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I am a senior student in America now..and I wanna top50 univ

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 14:08:59
I am a senior student in America now..and I wanna top50 universities to apply..like economics..
My toefl is around 80 and I haven't taken SAT now..and I wanna someone teach me how to know about universities' informations and choose some to apply...I am sorry I can't use Chinese there.
Firstly,you should choose the place you wanna go,like Beijing or Shanghai,which gather most of the top 50 Uni in Chi.Then,do you have a Chinese friend whom you could turn to?Going to the Uni or making a call is preferred.If you wanna know the info ,you can always log on the webside,if you can type Chinese.Or I can help u for further info.By the way,I just came back from LA.
再问: 很不好意思我是中国人 上次我电脑坏了用不了输入法 我心急打的英文。。。 我现在纠结的是怎么学赛达的问题。。。。 我是一名交换生 每天2:30放学 怎样利用自己的时间有效提高赛达成绩呢、、、
再答: 你在国外,SAT只不过是很简单的数学,阅读和写作。想考肯定有时间。 真是抠门,都不给分的,唉
再问: 不好意思啊 我是新手 我现在才知道怎么给分的。。。 SAT我考肯定可以考 但是我一看那些词汇真的头都大了。。而且阅读我很差 也不知道如何入手。。。唉。。。