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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/18 23:07:57
I was deeply moved(我觉得这里用感动比激动更好) when I was reading 'Three Days to See'(首字母要大写,还要加单引号).
Helen Adams Keller,the author of this book(至少说一下她是作者吧,要不然突然蹦出来一个人没有交代,逻辑上不连贯),had unlucky experience when she was a baby.When she was only 19 months old,she got seriously ill which made her blind and deaf since then on.Although she suffered a lot,she never give up and built up a very strong will.She believed in herself and was very successful when she grew up.
I admired Helen so much when reading this book.I decided to study hard and make good grades in the future,to make my parents being proud of me.(I will treasure(珍惜)my health and take exercise everyday.建议这句整句删掉,因为说实话,这本书最主要是讲人内心的坚强和意志力的,突然扯到健康.有点别扭)