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英语翻译A study of cell phones by the Swedish Radiation Protecti

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/13 09:48:57
A study of cell phones by the Swedish Radiation Protection Research Institute has found no"consistent evidence" of an increased risk of cancer from cell phone usage.
Studies have differed on whether the use of mobile phones increased the risk of cancer as they have become increasingly popular.
The governmental institute asked Dr.John D.Boice Jr.and Dr.Joseph K.McLaughlin of,Maryland,USA,to assess published epidemiological research on the subject.
The review looked at nine studies since 1996 that included factors such as type of phone,duration and frequency of use and brain tumor location.
"No consistent evidence was observed for increased risk of brain cancer (or other forms),"the scientists said in the review,released Wednesday.
The agency acknowledged public concern about the issue and said many studies were stillbeing performed and continued follow-up was needed on any possible carcinogenic effect linked to mobile phone usage.
"You can never say that something is without risk,but at least we can say that there is no scientific evidence for a causal association between the use of cell phones and cancer," said Lars----Erik Pauison,a radiation expert with the agency.
The review singled out research by Swedish scientist Lennart Hardell,which said that long-term users of old fashioned analog cell phones were at least 30% more likely than non-usersto develop brain tumors.Newer digital phones send less radiation than older analog models of the sort studied.
Hardell,whose study was published recently in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention,
studied 1,617 patients with brain tumors and compared them with a similar-size group of people without tumors.
The review said Hardeli's study and some U.S.research with similar findings were
"non-informative,either because the follow-up was too short,numbers of cancers too small,or because of serious limitations in research methods."
It contrasted those with three studies in the U.S.and studies in Finland and Denmark,which Paulson said used more reliable sampling methods and were based on medical reports rather than interviews with patients.
Those studies found "a consistent picture .that appears to get rid of,with a reasonable degree of certainty,a direct and inevitable association between cell phones and cancer," the agency said.
瑞典的放射线保护研究学会的一项行动电话的研究还没有发现行动电话用法的癌的危险增加的 " 一致的证据 " .
政治的学会问约翰 D. Boice 二世博士和约瑟 K. McLaughlin 博士,马里兰,美国,估定在主题上公开 epidemiological 研究.
1996 以来,检讨审查九项研究哪一包含因素,像是使用和脑瘤位置的电话、期间和频率的类型.
" 没有一致的证据为脑癌 (或者其他表格)的危险增加被观察 " ,科学家在检讨说,星期三发表.
代理商承认民众关于议题的担心而且说许多研究是打与行动电话用法相连的任何可能的致癌效果是不可或缺的被运行而且继续追踪的 stillbeing.
"你不能说某事没有危险是,但是至少我们能为行动电话的使用和癌之间的原因的协会说没有科学的证据, " Lars 说----Erik Pauison,与代理商的一个放射线专家.
检讨根据瑞典的科学家 Lennart Hardell 选出研究,这说旧的形成类比行动电话的长期使用者至少是 30% 更有可能的超过非 usersto 发展脑瘤.新的数传电话被研究的种类送的放射线比较旧的类比模型少.
研究最近在巨蟹座预防的欧洲日记中被公开的 Hardell,
被学习的 1,617位病人用脑瘤而且在没有肿瘤下把他们与相似大小一群人们作比较.
这检讨说有相似的调查结果的 Hardeli 的研究和一些美国研究是
" 非情报的,或因为追踪太短,癌的数量太小的,或因为研究方法的严重限制. "
它用美国的三项研究和芬兰和丹麦的研究对比了那些,哪 Paulson 说用了更可靠的抽取样品方法而且以医生报告,而非与病人的面谈为基础.