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vae 许嵩英文英文的简介.要求个人历程、兴趣爱好、音乐风格、个人性格等..

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/05 01:49:05
vae 许嵩英文
Whose real name is:许嵩
  Sex: Male
  Place of Birth: Anhui Hefei
  English name: Vae
  Birthday: 1986-05-14
  Height: 180cm
  Weight: 55kg
  Constellation: Taurus
  Blood type: A
  Education: graduated from Anhui Medical University
  Awards: Top Ten young students in Anhui Province
  Musicians Association of Anhui Province
  05 year-old Chinese singer best entertainment network
  06 Sina annual event, "the annual network Reds" nomination
  Expertise: writing, music
  Instrument: Piano
  Childhood dream: to develop the same windows as bovine X software
  Most satisfied with the animation:机器猫
  Favorite food: The food is not interested in
  Favorite place: home
  Total referrals
  As young as 23-year-old network Redskins Vae (许嵩), in the coming two years the network, by virtue of "Park on the 7th," "shallow sing," "Rose's funeral," "If you become a common practice," "Rain on Qingming "and so a large number of original works by the mass of favorite friends, the award of major portal network selected the best male singer, best songwriter award and so on. Romania was awarded the second prize of international popular music, popular music Asian Music Festival Awards competition newcomers. It is worth mentioning that, Vae Authors not only proficient, composer, arranger, and recording all the works of the late works by mixing the completion of its independence, we can see a full range of music Vae capacity and high quality music.
  November 13, 2006, one called "moths," the single released in Sina caused a sensation after the first day downloaded 70,000 times on the break, the song's artist Vae, in the summer of 2007 also Yu received a day's invitation, you will see the 2006 Super Girl album producer. But the music teenagers, is not known for a long time professional musicians, not record companies which are pushing the new star, he was just an ordinary Anhui Medical University junior student (now graduated), whose real name is许嵩, graduated from the one China, Hefei, after studying at an Institute of Health Management Medical University, graduated in June 2008. At present, the individual's first original album has been completed.
  "Angel" as the accompaniment)
  115. "Tragedy of the two" (Demo)
  [Edit this paragraph] 【Introduction】 works
  May was born 86 years, 23 years of age许嵩changed is also changing many of the songs for network awareness.
  "Constellation book," fans still extend the so-called "V-style" romantic words wind, the melody line is not the lack of simple techniques, and statements and the strong contrast between the refrain has a great deal of emotional impact. Vae arrangement and the production is admirable. Singing is concerned, the fans have been called "the soul of camp" - children of the most heart touching song. If you listen to Vae, do not expect to hear the vocal skills are very high, where only simple words, such as the talk.
  Vae consistent with the close cooperation of sony company producer praised in the interview李毅杰Friends Vae: "have the ability to work independently," "give him a home computer and a microphone, he will be able to create good music."
  Ogawa critics alike with his commentary, "Constellation books": the allocation of simple, very difficult to sing the melody, there are bones of the word. Many musicians have not yet figure out what music is in the end, I suggest trying to learn the juvenile. This is the first did not do too much work Virtuoso style, simple melody lines are the flow of pleasure. Of course, if has been in this routine will be greasy, but at least has not been seen Vae wits, changing the lyrics into the melody style and approach, with his age and musical experience, has the potential to. "
  Tom Wanleba Fez Editor: If we separate analysis of Vae composer, lyricist, arranger, singing ability, perhaps every kind can only be described as good, but far from brilliant. But he won the entire music production process of all the work, the quality of a full range of music together on the more precious. Even the so-called music of the entire record is not complete their work mixing pickup. And admire the most is that when he is not very eye-catching of these elements together, he immediately broke out on the music a unique flavor.
  [Edit this paragraph]】 【songs Analysis
  1. 2006.03.03 original 32258 Park on the 7th
  Vae first original music, simple melodies, melancholy lyrics explicit to the listener青涩and mixed with a lot of feeling sad. Can be thought of listening to and then often, we feel that a cordial and warm!
  2. Melbourne, sunny 2006.03.31 original 35,404
  A nation full of overseas-style song, a juvenile his heart-felt feelings, in the delicate feeling in changing the style, it may give some people a special feeling, one sentence: "Melbourne, despite of the sunny, clear the unthinkable, but I am home more than paradise... "The light brings out the natural melody of this song, to touch people's hearts, a strike, there are still a little浮想, a trace of pathos!
  3. 2006.05.31 original Rose's funeral 42918
  A pretty classic song, no more and no less introduced, we taste it slowly.
  4.乱乱唱12,534 original 2006.12.24
  This song has a lot of feeling ... ... in particular the singing of青涩adolescence. "Dolls fruit flavor of the dance girls show a nearby table so that I blush chaos chaotic heart skip a song we sing again the wind we have here big favorite flavor of lollipop is now happy" to hear here When people can not help but remember from childhood and student days in the good old days.
  5. Moths 2007.03.01
  Authors by Hailei,李毅杰composer, simple voice with simple accompaniment, the lyrics are beautiful aesthetic. Vae use his unique singing real songs to spread to the sad and lonely, so that everyone from the "4.1" and a different point of view could listen with patience to listen to music and audio collision heartbeat.
  6. 2007.02.09 shallow sing original 14,455
  The story gently, light singing, Vae white characters with the most telling phrase, to encourage its own, and also to encourage all the listeners, a kind of extension can not forget the mood of people.
  7. Constellation 2007.04.13 34,912 original books
  "Constellation book," fans still extend the so-called V-type Ci romantic, simple allocation, rather difficult to sing the melody, there are bones of the word, statement and a strong contrast between the refrain has a great deal of emotional impact . Singing is concerned, the fans have been called "the soul of camp" - children of the most heart touching song. He do not have the vocal skills are very high here, he only simple words, such as the talk.
  8. You become a common practice if the original 2007.06.19 51694
  It sounds like a cheerful, humorous songs, they found not only in music Vae V. Hall, also hidden in the lyrics Vae learned and intellectual depth. One of the words "I do not want to three-inch Hu Jinlian if you just want to jump precisely miniskirt." Vae expression of the love, hope the girls can be in accordance with the wishes of the free development of their own, as long as their happy enough, just jump on the miniskirt have the freedom of the meaning of happiness ... ...
  9. 2007.08.25 original 9835 Angel
  Is a typical V-type love songs, hidden in the hearts of their loved one's emotions, calm and far-reaching, simple easy-to-understand words, beautiful melodies and朗朗上口, touched the hearts of the girls. Is suitable for boys who like an IM conversation on the Song of the Month.
  2007.09.26 original 10 Ayutthaya 11869
  A slightly ironic songs, love songs are from out of Ayutthaya topic, due to the other side in the love of Ayutthaya and painful, but can not extricate themselves from the gentle melody of the reality on the pathetic and helpless people. However, people with no subtlety, it is necessary to cross the reality of how深宅大院
  本 名: 许嵩
  性 别:男
  出生地: 安徽合肥
  英文名: VAE
  生 日: 1986年05月14日
  身 高: 180cm
  体 重: 60kg
  星 座: 金牛座
  血 型: A
  学 历: 安徽医科大学本科毕业首张独创专辑《自定义》
  奖 项:安徽省十佳青年学生 (http://www.ahstudent.com/view_news.php?list_id=3&id=2407)
  专 长: 写作、音乐创作
  乐 器: 钢琴、吉他
  最满意的动画: 机器猫
  许嵩学生时代擅长写作,当年在《萌芽》、《儿童文学》、《少年文艺》等刊物上发表了大大小小作品20余篇.高二时,他曾写过一篇《把伤痕当酒窝》的作文,“当时只是兴趣所至,就发到了个人主页上.”但让他没想到的是,这篇习作后来竟被当年江苏省高考语文模拟试卷作为阅读理解的试题. 目前他的新浪博客访问量也非常高.
  很少有与这首歌听感类似的音乐作品.叙事歌词采用了完全口语的表述方式,一个酸酸的故事被Vae讲的有声有色.快速流动的旋律与Rap天衣无缝的衔接、Vae情绪内敛的轻唱、New R&B的鼓点,都给人留下了深刻的印象.听后回味歌曲标题,亦发现是一语双关.
  弹着钢琴沙哑的开场,Vae的倾诉犹在耳边.黑色的音乐氛围与暗怀埋怨的措辞,Vae百无聊赖的气声和假声,主副歌突然的调性切换…… 另类的表达方式,直通歌者的内心世界.