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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 23:41:54
21.______ by Yang Liwei’s speech,the students are determined to study even harder.
  A.Deeply moved B.Having deeply moved
  C.To be deeply moved D.Moving deeply
22.Though ______ badly,the fighter continued to fire at the enemy.
  A.he wounded B.was wounding
  C.wounding D.wounded
25.The girl is still fast asleep,with her head ______ deep in arms.
A.bury B.to bury C.buried D.burying
答案为 A D C
第一题和第三题考的是非谓语动词作状语(原因、结果、时间、地点、条件、让步、比较等),非谓语动词有三种形式,现在分词(doing)、过去分词(done)、不定式(to do).
如果它是动作的承受者(被动)就用过去分词done ,如题1 和3 罗技主语the students 和 her head分别是move(感动)和bury(埋)两个动作的承受者,所以就用过去分词表被动.
如 when (he was) doing his homework,he heard a noise from the doorway
3 从句中it is/was 结构可省略 如 when (it was) dark,he would come back home.
再问: 非常非常感谢!您解答地非常详细切合,答案也是对的。我还有点点不懂的地方有几个,如下: 1、1中,我选了B,因为having done可以表示原因状语的不是么?我总是在作状语时不知道到底用doing好还是having done好。请问如何辨析呢? 2、2中我知道是省略,我选的是C,想请问一下though he was wounded 还是though he was wounding? 如果是wounded的话wounded做的是形容词作表语像么?比较纠结这个。
再问: 非常感谢!您解答地非常详细切合,答案也是对的。我还有点不懂的地方,如下: 1中,我选了B,因为having done可以表示原因状语的不是么?我总是在作状语时不知道到底用doing好还是having done好。请问如何辨析呢 2中我知道是省略,我选的是C,想请问一下thoughhewaswounded 还是thoughhewaswounding?wounded的话做的是形容词作表语么 3中我选了D,不清楚是到底是the head'sburying还是burythehead.这个搞不清楚看不出来是被动
再答: 您好。 1)首先having done/been(过去分词的主动形式) 这个结构是主动形式(切记) 它的语法形式就是就的表示一个已经发生的动作或状态 它在句中的主要语法成分:状语(时间/原因/结构/比较等)和后置定语 如 having done his homework,he felt relieved.原因状语(过去分词的主动) =Because he had done his homework,he felt relieved 例句1中的A deeply moved是原因状语从句 2)doing也是主动的形式,它是现在分词的主动形式., 语法意义表示一个刚发生/或者正在发生的动作. while doing his homework,he was watching TV. =while he was doing his homework,he was watching TV.伴随状语(现在分词的主动) 第二题 1)其实你已经知道了,就是差一步而已. 这正是过去分词作形容词, 2)一般过去分词形容人 如 a wounded man 一个受伤的人. 现在分词形容物 如 a surprising news 一个令人震惊的消息. 相似的用法还有 Interested in the book,he spent the whole day in reading it.形容词性质的过去分词作原因状语. =Because he was interested in the book,he spent the whole day in reading it 第三题, 想表达埋头专于某事有两种表达 1)he buried the head in doing sth 2)his head was buried in doing sth 那例句中的,buried当然是第二种情况了。 希望能帮到您,