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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 09:48:51
In the questions put by Tang to Ji we have similar statements:‘In the bare and barren north there is the dark and vast ocean - the Pool of Heaven.In it there is a fish,several thousand li in breadth,while no one knows its length.Its name is the kun.There is (also) a bird named the peng; its back is like the Tai mountain,while its wings are like clouds all round the sky.On a whirlwind it mounts upwards as on the whorls of a goat’s horn for 90,000 li,till,far removed from the cloudy vapours,it bears on its back the blue sky,and then it shapes its course for the South,and proceeds to the ocean there.’ A quail by the side of a marsh laughed at it,and said,‘Where is it going to?I spring up with a bound,and come down again when I have reached but a few fathoms,and then fly about among the brushwood and bushes; and this is the perfection of flying.Where is that creature going to?’
再问: 我要的是现代文翻译啊,神啊!不是英文!不过还是谢谢你一个字母一个字母的打出来啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!
再答: 现代文翻译和相关注释如下,希望对你有帮助!觉得满意记得采纳咯!商汤询问棘的话是这样的:“在那草木不生的北方,有一个很深的大海,那就是‘天池’。那里有一种鱼,它的脊背有好几千里,没有人能够知道它有多长,它的名字叫做鲲,有一种鸟,它的名字叫鹏,它的脊背像座大山,展开双翅就像天边的云。鹏鸟奋起而飞,翅膀拍击急速旋转向上的气流直冲九万里高空,穿过云气,背负青天,这才向南飞去,打算飞到南方的大海。斥鴳讥笑它说:‘它打算飞到哪儿去?我奋力跳起来往上飞,不过几丈高就落了下来,盘旋于蓬蒿丛中,这也是我飞翔的极限了。而它打算飞到什么地方去呢?’”