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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 00:04:33
英译中 一篇英语文章 (下)
New playgrounds for “Little Emperors”(下)
But these cafés have also helped to generate many an Internet junkie,giving rise to a plethora of other problems.Says Dr.Tao Ran,director of Beijing’s first-ever Internet addiction clinic,“All the children here have left school because they are playing games or in chat-rooms everyday.They are suffering from depression,nervousness,fear and unwillingness to interact with others,panic and agitation.They also have sleep disorders,the shakes and numbness in their hands.”
That kids are becoming addicted to far more deadly substances is another major cause of concern.China has the largest population of smokers on earth (more than 350 million at last count),so it's hardly surprising to see millions of youngsters following their father’s foot-steps - down to the local tobacconist.“I grew up around people smoking.” says Xiao Zhang,a 17-year-old Beijing schoolboy,“so I never thought it was a bad thing.Anyhow,if it starts to affect my health,I’ll just quit.” But isn’t that what all addicts say at the start?
Cigarette smoking was once a male-only ambit.These days,though,it's not uncommon to see young girls,particularly teenagers,lighting up outside a net café.Eighteen-year-old Su Peng says,“I started smoking with my two best friends after we saw Pulp Fiction.The star [Uma Thurman] looked so cool with her cigarettes,so we thought we’d have a try.”The girls were 16 when they saw that movie,so the habit seems to have become more permanent than they had perhaps wished at the outset.
Kids swigging beers,too,are seen all the more in the malls and pool halls of Beijing.With a 640ml bottle of the local brew priced around RMB 2 (US$0.25) and readily available in shops,it's perhaps one of the cheaper and more convenient misdemeanors that a teenager can get up to in China. But unlike their Western counterparts,Chinese teenagers very rarely drink to excess,and in any case,there is no age limit for the consumption of alcohol in China.
“小皇帝”的新天地 (下)
以前只是男人抽烟,但是现在,也不难看见年轻的女孩子在吸烟,尤其是青少年,你常常能看见她们在网吧门口吸烟.十八岁的苏鹏说,“当我们看完了Pulp Fiction (低俗小说),我和我的两个好朋友就开始抽烟了,因为当时觉得乌玛·瑟曼吸烟的样子很酷,我们就模仿了一下.她们在16岁的时候看了这部电影,所以现在已经不是她们刚开始那样了,她们的烟瘾已经越来越大.