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无条件释放 英语怎么说

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/04 18:26:57
无条件释放 英语怎么说
1 我们要求日本方面 无条件释放 我方船员
2 他们捍卫了国家主权
3 好的待遇,会吸引很多人来这里工作
我只说3 句话,然后就走
6  你令我很丢人
1.We request the Japanese to unconditionally release our crew.
2.They uphelpd the nation's sovereignty.
3.A good salary will attract many people to come work here.
4.I want to say a few words.
5.I want to say three things,then I'll leave.
6.You make me feel ashamed.
7.She's listening to her mom tell her a story.
8.When she was a child,she most enjoyed listening to her mom tell stories at night.
9.Every night she only goes to sleep after hearing her mom tell stories.
再问: 1 这车的车顶太低,我快 碰到头了 / 已经顶到头了, 开车视线不好哦 2 车顶太高了, / 很高。坐进去宽敞哦 3 泰迪熊晚上怕打雷,打雷的时候。会钻进被窝里 4 盖好被子 别感冒了 5 来电了!/ 水来了 (恢复 供电,供水后说的)
再答: 1. The top/roof of this car is too low, I'm almost touching it. >> I'm already touching it, and I'm blocking the driver's line of sight. 2. It feels very spacious in here as the top/roof of this car is too high / very high. 3. Teddy bear is afraid of thunder, so he hides in the blankets when he hears thunder. 4. Pull you blankets up so you don't get a cold. 5. The power / water is back! The electricity is back!