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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 12:29:48
August 3rd,2009
Today I went back to my hometown in the countryside.As soon as I got into the house,I was warmly welcomed by my grandparents.They were all very excited because we had not come back for a long time.
My cousin cooked many delicious dishes for lunch to celebrate the arrival of us.Both my elder sister and I felt very happy.In the late afternoon,the whole family went to the supermarket,because we were going to go to the seashore in the evening.We enjoyed ourselves too much to forget the time.It was late than 1 o’clock in the next morning when we came back home.Though we were blamed by our grandparents,we still felt very happy.
August 28th,2009
The whole family got up early in the morning,because it is my niece’s birthday today.we started to clear up the house as soon as we got up,burn incense and pray in front of the Buddha.Relatives and friends came when it was approaching noon,brought happiness and liveliness to the house.The party lasted from 1 o’clock in the afternoon the 5 o’clock,by then the relatives and friends left.I felt happy for the party,but sad for leaving Fujian,because we have to return back to Taiwan tomorrow.
英语翻译2009年8月3日今天我回到了乡下,一进门就受到外公外婆她们的欢迎,他们很兴奋,因为我们很久没回来了.午饭时,表 英语翻译玩够了就回来如果你有壹丁点的愿意就回到我身边来等你很久了?我累了如果你想不回来 梦见了很久没见的朋友昨晚我梦见了一个很久很久没有联系的女同学,我们是很好的朋友但是初一的时候她们全家去美国了此后我们就没 英语翻译1.他不喜欢坐飞机,因为他怕掉下来.2.我如此兴奋以至于忘了买吃的.3.他一进门就打开了冰箱找东西吃.4.Tom 英语翻译1月10日 天气晴今天我和父母到乡下的奶奶家,为她庆贺生日.首先我们先去了蛋糕店买了蛋糕,当我把蛋糕送给奶奶时, 英语翻译今天是大年初一,我去了外婆家,外婆从小就对我很好.今天所有的亲戚都来了,我们在一起吃了顿美美的团圆饭.我和我的表 英语翻译请把下面两篇短文翻译为英语:一:“今天我和我以前的同学出去玩了.我们很开心,因为我们已经很久没有见面了.我们拍了 英语翻译我的外公是个中学教师,我对我外公的印象已经很模糊了!我听我妈妈说我和我弟弟小时候都是我外公陪我们玩的!因为一些原 英语翻译今天我跟我很久不见的初中的同学一起去吃午餐,很抱歉的是我又迟到了,她们看起来有点生气,不过幸亏很快没事.我们边吃 英语翻译9月1日 星期三 晴今天是我最高兴的一天,因为我们今天大扫除了,我们打扫了操场,虽然很累,但是很高兴,我是新生认 英语翻译1这绝对是值得纪念的一天,因为我们将欣赏到500年一遇的日全食奇观.2一大早,我就和外公来到了楼下,准备观察日全 我想坐时光机回到2000年1月1日,因为我们家买错了一台电脑,结果导致我患上了真性近视!我的天哪!