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meanwhile,in the meanwhile,in the meantime三者有区别吗?在用法上有什么不同吗?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 16:48:01
meanwhile,in the meanwhile,in the meantime三者有区别吗?在用法上有什么不同吗?
『最早』的时候,meanwhile的词性只是adv(副词),而meantime则只是名词; meanwhile表示一个时间段,『侧重』的是单纯的时间间隔,因此meanwile也可表示同一时刻(at the same time,一个点);而meantime也表时间段,但这个时间段的感念包含以某个事件开始~结束(后某阶段)的时间段,而且meantime不能用来表示某个时间“点”.
Today is Monday,I am going to Shanghai for a meeting this Friday,meanwhile I will continue working here in Guangzhong.--- 以纯时间为事件衡量的时间段.
I am working on my project,meanwhile staffs in Shanghai are getting the test preparation done.- 表同时.
而in the meantime = meanwhile.
Your car won't be ready until Thursday.In the meantime,you can use mine.
【但】语言的变化导致词性的变化,现代英语里meanwhile也可作名词,== meantime (meantime的另一个说法);而meantime也演化成可以做adv(副词),== meanwhile (meanwhile的另一个说法).【但】meanwile = at the same time这个时间点的意思,没有传递给meantime;而且作同样词性比较的时候,meantime还是以事件为时间分割段;而meanwhile还是以事件的时间为分割基础.
in the meanwhile,是meanwhile名词化了,= in the meantime(名词)= meanwhile.一般还是应该要么meanwhile,要么in time meantime.