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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/03 11:59:31
贝贝传递的祝福是繁荣.在中国传统文化艺术中,“鱼” 和 “水” 的图案是繁荣与收获的象征,人们用“鲤鱼跳龙门”寓意事业有成和梦想的实现,“鱼”还有吉庆有余、年年有余的蕴涵.
欢欢是福娃中的大哥哥.他是一个火娃娃,象征奥林匹克圣火.欢欢是运动激情的化身,他将激情散播世界,传递 更快、更高、更强的奥林匹克精神.欢欢所到之处,洋溢着北京2008对世界的热情.
Beijing will host the 2008 Olympic Games.This prompted China to get better and better.If you are to be found in China:clean streets more and more,more and more flowers and trees,and more and more fresh air,the sky more clarity.Chinese people to the campaign actively preparing for the event,becoming more and more enthusiastic,more and more smiles.Her blessing Beijing 2008 is the 29th Olympic Games mascot,colors and inspiration from the Olympic rings,and from China's vast mountains and rivers the land,rivers,lakes,sea animals and people's favorite image.Her blessing to the children from around the world convey friendship,peace,entrepreneurial spirit and harmony between man and nature of a wish.
The animals are cute five small intimate partners,and their integration into the shape of the fish,the panda,the Olympic flame,Tibetan antelope,as well as the Swallow's image.
Her blessing:Beibei
Beibei convey the blessings of prosperity.In China's traditional culture and the arts,"fish" and "water" logo is a symbol of prosperity and harvest,people "Liyudiaolongmen" implies a distinguished career and the realization of dreams,"Fish" There are more than auspicious,year after year more than implication.
Her blessing:Jingjing
Jingjing the panda is a Hantaigeju,regardless of wherever you go people will bring joy.As China's national treasure panda won the peoples of the world favorite.
Her blessing:Huanhuan
Huanhuan is the blessing of her big brother.He is a fire dolls,symbolizing the Olympic flame.Huanhuan movement is the embodiment of passion,he will spread the passion,transmission faster,higher and stronger in the Olympic spirit.Huanhuan Wherever he went,filled with Beijing 2008 pairs world enthusiasm.
Her blessing:Yingying
Yingying is a smart flexible,and the Tibetan antelope gallop Ru-fei,from the western part of the vast land of China,the health of a mass blessing to the world.Yingying is the Tibetan Plateau unique animal protection Tibetan antelope,is the display of Green Olympics.
Her blessing:Nini
Nini came from the sky,is one of the Youth Pre-employment Training Flying Swallow,modeling creativity from Beijing Shayan traditional kites."Yan" also on behalf of Yanjing (Beijing's ancient name).Nini joy of the spring and bring people fly Guozhichu sown "I wish you the best of luck," a blessing.
Hope that the 2008 Olympic Games will achieve the greatest success!