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英语翻译I.The Scope of Trade LawTrade law sets the legal framewo

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 15:46:34
I.The Scope of Trade Law
Trade law sets the legal framework for cross-border commercial transactions.Trade law
takes shape in global,regional and subregional arrangements among governments.At the
same time,all countries maintain domestic laws on trade,and much of trade law’s
application involves reconciling conflicting supranational rules and domestic statutes.
Domestically,the United States has an extensive system of law governing international
trade.First and most simply,U.S.laws set tariffs on imports into the United States.Many
people are not aware that the infamous and high Smoot-Hawley tariffs of the 1930s are
still on the books.They are superseded by application of the WTO’s most-favored-nation
(MFN) rule,which requires that WTO members must extend to all trading partners the
tariff levels granted to their single “most-favored” partner.This is why MFN status for
China was such a contentious issue through much of the 1990s,when China was not a
WTO member and Congress had to act annually to grant MFN status to China.If MFN
were not granted,tariffs on imports from China would snap to Smoot-Hawley levels,
making Chinese products prohibitively expensive.
Congress finally granted permanent MFN status to China to avoid the annual dust-up,
though in the process proponents changed the nomenclature from “most-favored-nation”
to “normal trade relations” (NTR) to avoid giving the impression that China was getting
some kind of favorable treatment.NTR has now become the term of art in U.S.trade
discourse for the MFN principle,and is catching on in the rest of the world.
In 2002 Congress granted trade negotiating authority to President Bush under what used
to be called “fast track” terms,by which the executive negotiates a complete trade
agreement with a trading partner or group of partners,and Congress quickly votes yes or
no,without amendments,on the final deal.Fast-track authority had earlier been denied to
President Clinton largely over concerns that labor standards and environmental protection
were inadequately addressed in the legislation.