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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/01 08:15:05
2楼的 你是用的百度词典吧.
In my ideality,the perfect holiday is that go to the place i like with my lover in a my favorite weather.My favorite season is summer,it's a energetic season.the sun shouldn't be quite hot,with soft wind.and then go for a holiday with my luggage and lover,only us two.I've no interestes in short trips yet,i've been to the places that i wanna go to.so I really hope i can go farther.I prefer south area more than north area,although the weather in the south makes me feel fidgety,but I always think that the southern cities are more colorful than the north.the feeling of summer is that staying in the water,the seaside is a good choice.though the seawater in the northern cities like Dalian and Qingdao is very clean.but I prefer the sea in Amoy,the sentiment of the small islands of Gulangyu.thousands upon thousands of small boardinghouses and soft sandbeach,the leisurely tweedle of the piano in the evening,and also the flavour of coffee from nowhere.But it's for the work to being there last time,so it must be humdrum.I really hope i can go there with my boyfriend for one time,and it must be a good choice.I've even heard of that,if you couldn't afford for going to Maldives,you can go to Hainan.The people who had been to hainan all told me that it's a good place that you mustn't miss.whenever i dream the sanbeach,seawater,fruits,and seafoods,i always feel glad.And also I know that it's a dead season in summer of hainan,the price of air fare and hostels is cheaper than in winter.In order to travelling ,you must have enough time and take enough money with you.When I meet the conditions,i must go there.If i have the pleasure of find the bean in a cake,I must buy a small house there,whenever i go there,i'll stay in it,and then hire out in the peacetime.i've said that it's a ideality.so it must be different from the actuality.strive for making money,ideality cannot be dream!
英语翻译是口试用的,3分钟左右要求不高,用词不需要太复杂,只要意思到了就可以了,尽量要口语化,要说起来顺,以下文章:理想 英语翻译是关于秒速5厘米的.这是我要说的,麻烦尽量口语化,不需要精确翻译,大致意思到就行了,不需要写得很美,通顺就行了, 英语翻译以下句子 要求是尽量口语化 不要太书面 不一定要逐字翻译 机翻的就不用回答了不会采纳的谢谢①在我很小的时候曾经到 一段两分钟左右的地道美语小短文,可以是新闻,笑话,哲理用词不要太难,口语化一点 英语翻译不需要翻译得太复杂,只要通顺就可以了,不要在线翻译,哈姆雷特的故事最早载与莎克索的《丹麦史》,莎士比亚依据他之前 英语翻译请尽量口语化一点 表达的是这个意思就可以 求一篇朗诵文章没什么硬性要求 体裁也不限 大概3分钟左右(要求是1500字以下 我感觉有个几百字就可以)只要别太短就行~ 跪求英语口试对话这个是要求……两人的对话大约一共40句左右,句式不用太复杂……简单的就行……谢谢!错了……对话一共30来 英语翻译 不需要抠字眼,只要表达意思就可以了! 英语翻译用词尽量简单,口语化 英语翻译是不是“在我的世界里,你出局了!”的意思?只要一句话解答就行,意思也可以,不要太复杂. 关于语言文明的演讲稿没什么要求 只要是关于语言文明 5分钟左右就可以了