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1 电视机坏了,英语翻译 2 got reach arrive ,这三个词的用法.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 13:59:41
1 电视机坏了,英语翻译 2 got reach arrive ,这三个词的用法.
The TV doesn't work.
get, arrive, reach这三者都有“到达(某处)”的意思,但是用法有区别:
◆ get是不及物动词,常和to连用.但当“到达”的地点是副词(home, here, there)时,to需要省略.如:
When did you get there last night? 你昨晚什么时候到达那儿的?
I get home at 7:00 pm every day.我每天晚上七点到家.
◆ arrive为不及物动词,后须加上介词at / in才能接表示地点的名词.
【友情提示】表示到达大城市或国家时要用arrive in,而到达乡村、车站等小地点则用arrive at.如:
We arrived in London last week. 我们上周到达伦敦.
The doctor arrived at the village at last. 医生终于到达了那个村子.
◆ reach为及物动词,其后既可跟名词也可跟副词.如:
I reached Beijing the day before yesterday.我前天到的北京.
We reached here on foot. 我们步行到这儿的.
Some oranges are hard to reach. 有些桔子很难够到.
The girl was short so she couldn't reach the cup on the table. 那女孩个子不高,所以她够不着桌子上的杯子.
When will you arrive? 你什么时候到?
When I arrived, they weren't there. 当我到达时,他们不在那儿.
再问: 那如果是电视昨晚坏了,也是这样吗?
再答: The TV set was broken last night. There was something wrong with my TV last night.
再问: ok. get to+副词 get +名词 。 arrive in + 大地方 at+小地方 rreach 不用加介词 直接讲解地点 直接接地点