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allow ,permit的用法分别是什么?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 01:31:48
allow ,permit的用法分别是什么?
allow= v.1.容许,听任,任,由,允许,让(某人做某事) 2.承认(某事) (that);承认(某人如何) 3.准许(做某事),许可(某现象存在) 4.沉溺,放纵 5.〈美口〉想要 例子:1.Artificial retinas,the ability to put these arrays on the back of the eyeball and allow the blind to see.人工视网膜的功能是把光线集中在眼球后面从而让失明者恢复视力.2.How much money does your father allow you for books?你父亲给你多少钱买书?permit= v.1.许可,准许,允许,答应;默许,放任;使可能 P- me to explain.请容许我解释.2.允许,容许 (of) n.1.准许证,许可证,执照 2.许可,准许 例子:1.If an UK employer wants to employ you for a specific post,your prospective employer may wish to seek a work permit for you.如果一个英国老板雇用你一个特殊的职位,你的预期的老板可以为你寻求一份工作许可证.2.I would like to do it with you,but I am not sure whether my parents permit.我愿意和你一起做,但不知我父母是否允许.如上所述,allow与permit的用法区别为 1.两者均可表示“允许”,其区别是permit 通常指上级、规则或法令等表示的准许,其语气较重;而 allow 通常指消极地不加反对,有时含有听任或默许之意,语气较轻.如:Nothing is permitted; everything is allowed.一切都没明文规定可以做,但一切做了也无妨.The nurse allowed him to remain there,though it was not permitted.护士让他留在那儿,而按规定那是不许可的.2.从用法上看.两者后接动词作宾语时,均要用动名词形式,而不能用不定式.如:We don’t allow [permit] swimming in the pool.我们不许在池子里游泳.但是若其后接有名词或代词,那么其后须接不定式.如:We don’t allow [permit] children to swim in the pool.我们不许孩子们在池子里游泳.注意这类结构的被动式之后可用不定式(此时的不定式不是宾语,而是主语补语).如:正:We do not allow [permit] people to smoke here.正:People are not allowed [permitted] to smoke here.误:People are not allowed [permitted] smoking here.