作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 17:06:44
John rescued the drowning child (at the risk of his own life)(John冒着自己生命危险救了那个溺水的孩子.)此题中动词rescue变成了过去式,而要填写部分的正确答案risk则是原型,是不是在一句话中只有一个动词需要变化来满足主谓一致这个原则?但是在以下的这两个题中,却不是这样
1.The university authorities did not approve the regulation,
Nor did they explain why(校方没有批准这个条例,也没有解释为什么).
2.Although he was interested in philosophy,(his father persuaded him into)(尽管他对哲学感兴趣,但是他的父亲说服他以法律作为专业.)majoring in law.
John rescued the drowning child (at the risk of his own life)(John冒着自己生命危险救了那个溺水的孩子.)此题中动词rescue变成了过去式,而要填写部分的正确答案risk是名词 与主谓一致 无关
在一句话中只要是谓语动词 不管有几个并列谓语 都需要满足主谓一致这个原则
1.The university authorities did not approve the regulation,Nor did they explain why.
本题与主谓一致 无关 属于时态一致
2. Although he was interested in philosophy,(his father persuaded him into)
本题与主谓一致 无关 属于时态一致

你提的问题 不属于主谓一致 的问题 而是时态问题
在一个句子中 出现 并列谓语 一般时态要一致 当然有时也有不一致的情况
在复合句和并列句中 从句或并列句的谓语 视情况 可以和主句或前句 一致或不一致
关键 要符合逻辑
如 i am as i was 我没有变
再问: �����˵�ġ�ʱ̬һ�¡���һԭ���Dz���ҲҪ�����еĶ��ʶ���һ����
再答: �����ʱ̬һ�� ֻ�� һ������, ������ԭ��. ��νһ����ԭ�� ������ ��Ҫ�� ʱ̬һ�� ����Ҫ��ʱ̬���÷� Ҫ����߼� ����ʲôʱ̬ ����ʲôʱ̬ �� when he came in, i was reading. he said that he would do it . he said that he had done it. he said that he was doing it. he was a student five years ago and now is a teacher.