作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 16:55:35
Jenny and Henry were born on the same day and they look the same.Their father had a taxi (出租汽车)and is busy all the time.He goes out early in the morning but comes back when his children go to bed.He gets a lot of money but he has no time to concern himself with (关心) their studies.
The two children study in the same class.Jenny works hard at her lessons,but her brother likes  nothing but playing.He is not good at writing compositions (作文).
One day Mrs.Cook told her class to write a composition "My Mother".After supper Jenny  wrote one in her exercise-book and then went to help her mother to do some housework.But  Henry went to play football.When night fell,he came back to watch TV until a TV play was  over.And he took off his clothes and went to bed,he remembered the composition and had to  go to the sitting-room again.But he didn‘t know how to write it.He thought hard and hard and at last he found a way.He found Jenny’s schoolbag and brought out her exercise-book and copied (抄) her composition.
Two days later Mrs.Cook asked Henry,"Can you tell me why yours is the same  composition as (与…… 一样) Jenny ‘s "
"Yes,I can,madam " answered Henry." We have the same mother."
2 Tom and Tim have the same
3 Tom could write the compositions (作文)because
4 Mrs.black is
珍妮和亨利是天生的在同一天,他们看起来是一样的.他们的爸爸有一辆出租车(出租汽车),一直都很忙.他出去清晨,但回来的时候,他的孩子们上床睡觉.他赚了很多钱,但是他没有时间关心(关心)学业.两个孩子在同一个班学习.珍妮努力学习功课,但她的哥哥喜欢除了玩.他不善于写作文(作文).有一天,库克先生告诉他的学生写一篇作文,";我的母亲”;.晚饭后,珍妮写在了她的练习本,然后去帮妈妈做家务.但亨利去踢足球.当夜幕降临的时候,他回到家看电视,直到电视剧结束.他脱掉衣服上床,他记得的组成和不得不再次走到客厅.但他不知道怎么写.他努力思考和努力,他终于找到了一种方法.他发现珍妮的书包,拿出练习本和复制(抄)她的作文.两天后,库克太太问亨利,";你能告诉我为什么你是相同的组合物(与.一样)珍妮的?” “是的,我可以,夫人,”亨利回答.”我们有相同的母亲.”