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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/28 10:37:04






BDADA 第一题:作者走出书店看到了一个女的在邮局旁( I saw a woman standing outside the post office.)第二题:She told me that her foot was hurting and she had to go to the hospital right away,女的说她脚疼要去医院 第三题:So I said,“My car is parked nearby.How about my giving you a ride?It will save you some time and money.” 我让那个女的搭便车去医院 第四题:e.He gave me because he had an extra (额外的)one and he wanted to do good things to others!那个男的是因为自己有多的一张 并且想做好事才这样的 第五题:Each action creates a ripple(涟漪) that finally comes back to us.Do you believe it?最后一句说明作者认为善有善报
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