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写一篇题为A computer的英语文章

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 02:57:04
写一篇题为A computer的英语文章
什么样的都行! 谢谢啦!要快啊!
It was raining last Sunday and I was home grounded.Trying hard to preoccupy myself,I started working on my school assignment.It didn't took me long to seek my favorite buddy "computer" for help.Homework can never be completed without "him".I love browsing to yahoo question and answer portal,it was like an infinite wisdom wizard,it answered to all questions asked and solved difficult problem people posted.Wow!It wonderful how modern technology help little one like me.Couldn't talk to "him" thought,think he's a little deaf.But this buddy of my could sing and "he" is good singer.I've to click on names that ends with .mp3 otherwise "he" would stay mute.This is a little secret between us..haven't told anyone about this..sshhh..I had a wonderful time staying home last Sunday,whenever my buddy sings I would put on my dancing shoes and tap-on to the rhythm of the beat.2 Advantages and disadvantages of computer Almost every home,office,or school has a computer of some kind these days.It may seems at first that having a computer brings only benefits,but further consideration shows that it also has disadvantages.First of all computers are very useful at school.It helps students to revise for tests or exams and makes subjects more interesting.Pupils can also learn new vocabulary and gramatic structures.Furthermore it allown students to become familiar with operating a computer and gain basic computer skills.What is more people can save a lot of time by using a computers.This is especially beneficial in the workplace where employees can do their work faster than they could in the past.In addition to this storing information on a computer disks is one of the most officient ways of keeping data.One computer disk can hold the same amount of information as several books.Moreover people can communicate with other computer owners through the internet,which offers nowdays everything from making freecalls from foreign countries to doing shoping.On the other hand many jobs have been lost due to the fact that computer can do a lot of tasks more officiently than humans.This has led to high unemployment in many countries.What is more kids if left unsuprised would spend all of their time playing games on the computer rather than using it for educational purpose.Furthermore some people when working from home with computer are far more likely to feel cut off from rest of the world.If children are sitting in front of the screen all day,they do not learn to share,wait they turn,or even something as simples as manners.Moreover children might be using the internet to acces pornographic material.Children are also easy target for sexual affenders who chat online with them and then make plans to meet them or slowly filter information about them.Also freuqent and prolonged computer session may pose physical health.Risks especially for children.The most frequently cited are visual strain,harmful effects of radiation and posture and skeletal problems.3The computer is a product of advanced civilization and its invention,according to some people,signals the advent of a Second Industrial Revolution.Formerly a bulky machine that demanded much space,the computer is now becoming smaller and smaller and scientists have made it more sophisticated and accordingly more useful.As is generally known,the computer can do a wide range of work,including complex computation and analyses.People now also use it as a teaching aid in designing.An infinite variety of software can be put into the computer,which explains why it is so powerful.There is,however,one thing which we should bear in mind:that the computer cannot think but man can.So there need not be any fear that someday the computer will control us and all we should expect is try our best to bring it to perfection.A computer age is not a pipe dream and there will come a day when most of our needs can be met by this wonderful machine.4The internet play a very important role in our daylife.Everyday thousands people surf the net.With the help of the net you can get many useful imformations,you can make friends with different people who are known or unkown,you can ask the help or question the answer.Every coin has two sides,there are so much rubbish on the net,which are some medium messageses about crime or sex.Morever the cost is large,which also make people waste time on it.Some students spend much time playing computer games.some of them did worse in their study so that they gave up school.It's so pity.Above all I think if we should make use of it correctly,the computer will make our life more and more beautiful.