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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 23:59:31
The name is not only a sign of people different from one another,but also people understand a society and culture of many aspects,a door window information.A nation's history,language,psychological,religion,customs,and moral values are implicit in the name of the people.The name of the understanding of the cultural information to strengthen the communication between Chinese and western culture,strengthen from different cultural backgrounds of the people to understand each other.This paper based on Chinese culture linguistics the language and culture of the interaction and mutual influence of the theoretical model,in the name of the structure,origin,characteristic and reflects the culture of the similarities and differences between analysis and comparison.From the opposite of the name of the structure and lead to the analysis of the reason of this kind of structure,we can see China's collective tendency and English national individual tendency,it is two kinds of cultural background of the main differences.From the history of the source and surname and the characteristics of the name of the study,we learned that included in the name of the cultural similarity-seeking the system of consciousness,position and honor the pursue,parents to children's expectation,male and female other different expectation,promotes personalities,use be a last name,these similarity between Chinese and western to come from the people with different cultural backgrounds mutual communication become possible; And the name of the system is reflected in China's rating system,last name to worship,the han culture guidance,Yin and Yang,five elements family clan concept and the Confucian culture,and implicit in the English name of the system of national optimistic attitude to life,the blending of different cultures,equality and Christian influence difference and we world presents a pleasant diversity and profusion colour.
再问: 不要在线翻译的啊=。=
英语翻译姓名不仅是人们相互区别的标志,也是人们了解一个社会及其文化诸多方面的一扇信息窗口.一个民族的历史、语言、心理、宗 英语翻译商店名称语言研究不仅是语言应用研究的新视角,更是一个涉及历史、文化、社会、心理、经济管理等诸多学科的综合研究课题 英语翻译翻译这段成英语,姓名是每一个社会成员的标志和符号,它的社会功能是人们藉以相互区别的标志.人们在选择姓名时有着种种 电视是人们了解的一个窗口,也是人们休闲娱乐的媒介.说说你最喜欢的电视节目是什 英语翻译听是人们言语交际能力的重要方面,也是英语学习的重要途径之一.通过听觉领悟语言是一个复杂的过程 ,它包括接受信息、 英语翻译(1)文化符号体系差异.符号体系是人们辨别不同文化的标志之一,也是人们进行沟通的手段,由语言符号和非语言符号两部 英语翻译文化是一种社会现象,是人们长期创造形成的产物.同时又是一种历史现象,是社会历史的积淀物.确切地说,文化是指一个国 英语翻译(一)了解外国文化语言与文化水乳交融、密不可分.语言是文化的一种表现形式,语言中蕴藏着一个民族丰富的文 化价值和 口语交际题1、口语交际电视是人们了解世界的一个窗口,也是人们休闲娱乐的媒介.当你每天打开电视机时,总会被缤纷的电视栏目、 英语翻译有一天,社会能够真正的平等,不同文化的人们能够相互包容,不再歧视 英语翻译摘要21世纪世界经济进入信息化时代,民俗产品满足了人们多样化生活的一个需求,成为了解地方特色文化的媒介,同时也是 英语翻译长城在北京的北边,是世界奇观之一,有两千年的历史.每天来参观的人很多,人们不仅可以了解中国的文化,还能享受登高的