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He spoke so fast that we could hardly understand him.把这句子改下,

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 09:40:27
He spoke so fast that we could hardly understand him.把这句子改下,用too.to.结构怎么说.
我这样改,He spoke too fast to to be understood.有两个to。
He spoke so fast that we could hardly understand him.--
He spoke too fast to be understood.这样就可以了
再问: 你看看这样对不对。He spoke too fast to to be understood. 这样对吗,有两个to。
再答: too ... to .. 这个to 后面直接接动词原型(如to 后的动词宾语与主语一致) 或接动词被动形式(如to后的动词宾语与主语存在主动被动关系) 这里不可以 too ... to to