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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 06:19:16
North Korea : Sanctions Declarations of a war-----CNN
(CNN) -- North Korea said Saturday any sanctions or pressure applied
against it following its rocket launch earlier this month will be
considered a "declaration of war."In an announcement on state-run
television, the country said it was ready to step up efforts to develop
nuclear weapons and poised for a military response to any moves
against it.
"The revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK are always keeping
themselves fully ready to go into action any moment to mercilessly
punish anyone who encroaches upon the sovereignty and dignity of the
DPRK even a bit," it said.
On Monday the United Nations condemned North Korea -- which refers
to itself as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, or DPRK -- for
launching a rocket.
The United States called the launch a "provocative act" that violated a
2006 Security Council resolution prohibiting Pyongyang from conducting
ballistic missile launches.
Pyongyang insists the April 5 launch was a successful mission to place
a communications satellite into orbit. The United States says the
rocket's payload did not reach orbit.
The U.N. statement says the rocket launch was "in contravention" to a
2006 Security Council resolution that demanded that North Korea not
launch any ballistic missiles.
The 15-member council also voted unanimously for a statement by the
council's president demanding the country make no more launches.
"The Korean People's Army will consider sanctions to be applied
against the DPRK under various names over its satellite launch or any
pressure to be put upon it through 'total participation' in the PSI
(Proliferation Security Initiative) as a declaration of undisguised
confrontation and a declaration of a war against the DPRK," the
announcement on state TV said.
"Now that the group officially declared confrontation and war against the
DPRK, its revolutionary armed forces will opt for increasing the nation's
defense capability including nuclear deterrent in every way, without being bound
to the agreement adopted at the six-party talks," it continued, apparently
referring to the Security Council.
原文标题是这个吧,North Korea:Sanctions a declaration of war
"朝鲜民主主义共和国的解放武装部队随时准备强力回击任何的对于朝鲜主权和尊严的侵犯" 朝鲜说.
"现在委员会成员证实的宣布了针对朝鲜的对抗,解放军已经准备好增加国家的防御能力,包括退出任何在6方会谈达成的协议而采取对核武器的任何使用 " 明显地是指安全委员会.,