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It was 8.40 in the evening and I was at Starbucks.求全文 并翻译.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/04 18:46:12
It was 8.40 in the evening and I was at Starbucks.求全文 并翻译.
It was 8:40 in the evening and I was at Starbucks — Plaza Singapura,the place we are going to meet.I was 20 minutes before meeting time.It is not polite to be late for a date(约会) for the first time anyway.I waited,looking at the people coming and going.I was daydreaming about today's soccer match I played and started thinking about life and soccer.Life is like soccer.You never know when you are going to get hit by the ball in your face.You have to live!
  As I was trying to relax myself,I felt her appearance — the smell,I can never forget.I looked up and saw her smiling and making her way towards me.She was pretty-looking and she was in fashion.I stood there watching her coming.A bright color T-shirt with a beautiful skirt.Wow,I really love girls wearing skirts.It makes them look more attractive and natural.
  "Sorry I am late."
  "No,it's OK.I am just early myself."
  "So what film are we going to see?"
  "It's OK,we will check it out later,and anyway what matters most is whom I am going to see it with,not the show."