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英语自我介绍文章 适合初中生的

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 20:42:08
英语自我介绍文章 适合初中生的
作为一个合格的中学生,在道德与素养方面,我诚实守信,待人真诚,孝敬父母,信守诺言,言行一致,不做损人利己的事,考试不作弊;我有责任感,体现在积极参加集体活动和社区活动,珍视和维护集体荣誉,爱护公共设施,关心社会和他人,乐于助人;我自尊自爱,尊重师长,尊重他人的人格,举止文明,没有打架斗殴纪录,不弄虚作假、知错就改,具有进取心;我自我约束,遵纪守法,没有违规违纪受处分纪录,能评价和约束自己的行为,不吸烟,不喝酒,不赌博,拒绝毒品,不去未成年人不能进入的场所.As a qualified secondary school students, in the morality and literacy, I am honest and trustworthy, treating others with sincerity, honor their parents, keep their promise to practice what they preach, not do selfish things, not to cheat on exams; I have a sense of responsibility, reflected in the active part in group activities and community - activities, to cherish and safeguard the collective honor, cherish public facilities, caring and others are willing to help others; my self-esteem, respect for teachers, respect other people's personality, manners of civilization, there is no record of fighting and fighting, not fraud, Zhicuojiugai, with progressive Heart; I self-restraint, law-abiding, there is no record of violation of discipline by the sanction that can evaluate and constraints of his behavior, non-smoking, no drinking, no gambling, say no to drugs, not to minors can not enter the premises.