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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 02:48:36
Many countries are facing demographic developments that imply that older workers will become an increasingly substantial part of the workforce in the near future (OECD,2005). The massive retirement of the baby boomer generation may lead to an upcoming labour shortage, a sudden loss of skills and experience, a declining working population compared to the population being in retirement, as well as a financial burden on younger employees to pay for the retirement of this generation (OECD, 2011). Furthermore, the share of gross domestic product devoted to social insurance for older people is expected to more than double in upcoming years in some countries, decreasing economic growth
(OECD, 2011). One solution to this upcoming challenge is to try to keep older employees in the workforce until or even beyond the legal retirement age (Van Dalen et al., 2009).Although employers are aware of the challenges related to the aging workforce, few have developed an action plan (Armstrong-Stassen, 2008). Conventional wisdom suggests that HRM practices can be used as a management tool to motivate and retain older employees (Kooij et al., 2008) and therefore are a way to deal with the challenges related to the aging workforce. However, it has been argued that the aging population asks for new HRM management policies that fit older workers (Collins, 2003), calling for more research on the influence of HRM practices on older employees’ preference for early retirement.
这位同学,老实说,这篇文章有一些我是找字典翻译的,而大部分纯是人工翻译.believe me
  许多国家正面临人口发展,意味着老员工将成为日益实质性部分的劳动力在不久的将来(经合组织,2005年).巨大的婴儿潮一代的退休可能会导致即将到来的劳动力短缺,突然失去的技能和经验,工作人口下降相比,退休人口,以及财务负担年轻的这一代的退休员工支付(经合组织,2011年).此外,国内生产总值(gdp)的比例为老年人社会保险预计将增加一倍以上在即将到来的年在一些国家,降低经济增长(经合组织,2011年).解决这一即将到来的挑战之一是尽量保持老员工在劳动力,直到甚至超出了法定退休年龄(Van达伦et al .,2009).尽管雇主们意识到劳动力老化相关的挑战,一些已经开发出一项行动计划(Armstrong-Stassen,2008).传统观念认为,人力资源管理实践可以作为管理工具激励和挽留老员工(Kooij et al .,2008),因此是一种应对的挑战与衰老相关的劳动力.然而,有人认为,人口老化要求新的人力资源管理管理政策,适合老员工(柯林斯,2003),呼吁更多的研究在人力资源管理实践的影响,老员工倾向于提前退休.