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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/18 21:29:53
2010年2月1日下午,近百名美国明星齐聚吉姆·汉森在好莱坞的音乐工作室,重新翻唱并录制迈克尔·杰克逊在25年前的经典之作《we are the world》,再次携手为海地献爱心.此次合唱可谓巨星云集,席琳·迪翁,芭芭拉·史翠珊,詹妮弗·哈德森,凯耶·维斯特,乔纳斯兄弟,阿肯,亚瑟小子,贾斯汀比伯等好莱坞一线歌手携其他名人并肩站在录音棚深情献唱.录制过程中众明星一度情绪激动声泪俱下.
In the afternoon of Feb.1st,2012,nearly one hundred American stars gathered at Jim Henson's music studio in Hollywood,re-covering and transcribing We Are the World,Michael Jackson's classis song of 25 years ago,to offer the love for Haiti together.
The chorus is star-studded,with Celine Dion,Barbra Streisand,Jennifer Hudson,Kanye West,the Jonas Brothers,Ken Arthur,Justin Bieber and other Hollywood A-listers stand shoulder by shoulder in the recording studio to sing soulfully.During the recording process,many stars were even in tearful voices once,heated with passion.