作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 21:37:45
写一段英语口语考试的对话,要求是两个人的,关于养宠物的,最好里面有一些养宠物的好处和坏处的讨论.注意对话时长要在四分钟到五分钟 急 小弟在此膜拜你们!
注意注意 是四到五分钟哦.我还会提高悬赏的!
A:Hello, A? Have you found that there are more cats and dogs on campus recently?
B: Yes, it's ture. I also read some news about other universities. It is said that those cats and dogs used to be some students' pets.But now they are graduating and leaving them behind.
A: oh, i feel sorry for the cute creatures. I hope i can keep them.
B: Don't do that! Pets are dirty.
A: I don't think so. I will keep them clean. I used to have a dog in my family, it was very cute. We love it very much. It is like a member of our family.
B: i know pets are lovely and they can bring a lot of fun to families, but I still think it is not advisable to keep pets. They will be noisy and sometimes easy to cause some diseases. It is not good for people'e health.
A: Everything has two sides. I believe keeping a pet can make our life more interesting, we can make friends with animals.
B: Sure you can. But what do you think of the pets left behind by the graduates? It is not easy to keep a pet, you have to be responsible.
A: Yes, that is a very important point. keeping a pet can bring fun but also troubles. I have to think twice before I keep one.