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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 10:08:41
Since the reform and opening up,my hometown,a high-speed FuDing became tourism city,people's life also gradually improved.Beautiful ornate skyscrapers,"yesterday" central avenue is a wasteland,liao people."Today" has become a unified planning of residential villas and beautiful,magnificent five-star hotel is located in JinJiuLong also here.Connect them is straight 50 meters in the street
Since the reform and opening up to my hometown has changed a lot,I believe that the future will be more advanced science and technology,the motherland and the people will be more happy.改革开放以来,我家乡通了高速,福鼎成了旅游开放城市,人民的生活也逐渐提高了.美轮美奂的高楼大厦拔地而起,“昨天”中央大道是一片荒地,廖无人烟.“今天”已经变成规划统一别墅群和美丽的小区,华丽五星级的金九龙大酒店也座落在这里.连接它们的是笔直的五十米大街