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汉译英,用到后面的词1.现在越来越多的人喜欢危险运动,如蹦极(go in for)2.你最好马上动身,否则你就赶不上火车

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 07:20:05
1.现在越来越多的人喜欢危险运动,如蹦极(go in for)
2.你最好马上动身,否则你就赶不上火车了(had better)
4.我很久没有收到笔友的来信了(hear from)
5.你最好坐出租车去,免得开会迟到(in case)
6.尽管下大雪,但她仍像平常一样去上班(in spite of)
7.她有时做瑜伽,而不去慢跑(instead of)
8.正是由于你的努力,你才通过了这次考试(it was ...that...)
10.他总是牢记母亲的教诲(keep...in mind)
11.这就是他们在找的词典(look for)
13.离开计算机房之前,一定要把电源关了(turn off)
14.前天她因病未能去上班(because of)
1.now more and more people go in for dangerous sports such as punge.
2.you had better leave at once ,or you will not be able to catch the trian.
3.the teacher has us finish clean the classroom before 5pm.
4.i haven't heard from my pen pal for a long time.
5.you'd better take a taxi in case of being late for the meeting.
6.in spite of heave snow,she goes to work as usual.
7.sometimes she practises yugo instead of logging.
8.it was your effort that you passed the exam.
9.i'm sorry to keep you waiting long.
10.he always keep his mother's taeaching in mind.
11.this is the dictionary they are looking for.
12.what were you doing when i called you last night、
13.be sure to turn off electricity before leaving the computer room.
14.she didn't go to work the day before yesterday because of sickness.
15.he prefer to stay at home rather than see that meaningless movie.
汉译英,用到后面的词1.现在越来越多的人喜欢危险运动,如蹦极(go in for)2.你最好马上动身,否则你就赶不上火车 英语翻译1世界上大多数城市都交通堵塞为患(suffer)2你得马上动身,否则赶不上汽车(otherwise)3玛丽此刻很 英语翻译英语句子翻译 要准确的~1.七点以前你能把功课做完吗?(finish) 2.我们必须马上动身,否则我们会赶不上火 英语翻译翻译成英语 1.借酒消愁常常于事无补2.美国人常在愚人节那天开朋友的玩笑3.要是想赶上那趟火车,你最好马上动身去 英语翻译1你要是想赶上那班火车,咱们最好马上动身去火车站(immediately) 2参观上海时,给我印象最深的是近十年 英语作文,现在越来越多的人喜欢歌星,你对这个现象有什么看法 用英语翻译句子1.我们的城市多美啊! 2.这张照片使你想起什么? 3.你最好马上就走,否则要迟到了 4.她花了大半辈子的 英语翻译1.两个月以后,他们就要动身到日本的首都东京2.三小时后,我们会在机场碰面.3.我马上就回来看你.4.那个飞行员 1你最好快点,否则上课会迟到的.汉译英2你最好走动轻点,否则会弄醒他.汉译英 英语翻译1.你应该独自完成作业.(alone)2.你做了什么来保持你自身的安全?3.小心火柴否则会很危险4.当你离开教室 英汉互译1.全世界越来越多的人正在参加一些危险的运动和活动____________________(把句子译成英语)2. “我越来越喜欢你”的英语怎么说、