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课外阅读练习题答案Ⅷ 阅读短文,

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 02:56:58
课外阅读练习题答案Ⅷ 阅读短文,
Mary went to the park yesterday. On the way, she saw an old woman who wanted to cross the road. Mary went to her and helped her go cross the road. The old women said,“Thank you!”Mary smiled and said,“You are welcome.”In the park, Mary met her old friend Betty. They haven’t seen each other for one year. They came out the park together and went to the coffee shop. They talked for the whole afternoon. They Talked about the time when they were in the primary school. They were happy. They decided to meet each other once a week. Then Mary said goodbye to Betty. She went home at 5 o’clock.“It was a happy day,”Mary wrote on her dairy book. (文章完)
( ) 1.Mary is a policewoman.
( ) 2.Her old friend is an old woman.
( ) 3.Mary went home alone.
( ) 4.Betty helped the old woman crossing road.
( ) 5. Mary and Betty were in the same school before.
( ) 6. Mary and Betty are going to see each other next week.
这是那篇文章:This is the Food Pyramid (金字塔). Follow this, it can make you healthy. At the bottom (底部) are bread, rice and noodles. We eat a lot of them. Above (在上面) them are vegetables and fruits. We eat a lot of them too. Candy (糖果) and potato chips (薯条) are at the top. We eat a little of (一点) these. Below (在下面) them are eggs, cheese, chicken, fish and milk.
〔〕1. We eat a lot of vegetables and fruits because they have vitamins.(维生素)
〔〕2. We must eat a little bread, rice and noodles.
再问: Ϊʲô�������Ǵ���أ�
再答: ��Ϊ��Mary�������̫̫��������Betty
再问: Ŷ�������ˡ�лл���������ô���أ����������⣬лл�������������û����ȥ�����⡣ ����3. We must (����)eat a lot of chicken, candy and potato chips. ����4. Milk, eggs and fish are good for our health(����)�� ����5. It��s about (����)the Food Pyramid
再答: T F F T T