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“Well,” he said,“it is a strange story.” About ten years ago

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 10:43:48
“Well,” he said,“it is a strange story.” About ten years ago,I was walking along 1 quiet London street one evening 2 it suddenly rained.I had no raincoat and no umbrella.No buses 3 that street and there were no taxis 4 .As I was on my way to a party,I didn’t want to get 5 .So I stood in a doorway and waited for the rain to stop.By and by it grew quite 6 .There wasn’t a person around,and 7 it rained and rained.At last a young man came to the place where I was standing,8a large umbrella over his head.As I hoped he would allow me to walk to the next corner with him,9 I could have got a taxi,I stepped 10 the dark doorway where I had been standing,and said,” 11 ,where are you going with that umbrella?”12 by my sudden appearance,the young man 13 the umbrella,which,I’m afraid,he had just stolen,ran away,and disappeared in the darkness.I picked up the umbrella and 14 my walk.I knew it would be 15 in this big city to try and discover the owner and so I’ve kept it ever since.1.A.theB.thisC.aD.one 2.A.asB.beforeC.whileD.when 3.A.crossedB.ran throughC.went aroundD.moved across 4.A.in the cityB.waitingC.in sightD.at the door 5.A.backB.awayC.wetD.tired 6.A.dangerousB.darkC.heavyD.fine 7.A.alwaysB.naturally C.stillD.now and then8.A.carryingB.showingC.holdingD.bringing9.A.thereB.whereC.on whichD.by which10.A.intoB.towardsC.alongD.out of 11.A.Excuse meB.By the wayC.SorryD.Well 12.SurprisedB.FrightenedC.Warned
再问: 那个不全的
再答: 讲一个10年前的故事,他在一条很冷清的街上,什么东西都没有,还下着雨,
再问: 你帮我选择并且翻译 我给你好评
再问: 你先把选项对号入座 再翻译给我 我给你好评
再答: 先给吧,这么长,翻译都得好长时间
再问: 回答吧
再问: 那你再翻译吧
再答: 翻译太长了,不过故事我已看懂
再问: 翻译啊
再问: 你说的给翻译的
再答: 主人公在下雨天等车,等了半天,来了一个有伞的人,当他准备过去想和他共伞的时候,那男的吓跑了,因为那男的是个小偷
再答: 大概意思就是这个,
再问: 不是吧
再答: 晕,不信你看,这点小儿科
再问: 我没收到你给的翻译啊
再问: 你重新发一下
再答: 讲一个10年前的故事,他在一条很冷清的街上,什么东西都没有,还下着雨,
再答: 主人公在下雨天等车,等了半天,来了一个有伞的人,当他准备过去想和他共伞的时候,那男的吓跑了,因为那男的是个小偷
再问: 这才是
再答: 这讲的就是这意思亲