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英语翻译This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.Milton

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 15:44:21
This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.
Milton Friedman in 1977,a year after he won the Nobel Prize in economic sciences
Economists rarely shape policy to the extent that Milton Friedman did.
He died on November sixteenth in San Francisco,California,at the age of ninety-four.
Milton Friedman is best known for his work on the idea that governments can slow inflation by shrinking the money supply.He expanded on this theory,known as monetarism,by studying years of American monetary policy.
He argued against the advice of John Maynard Keynes.The British economist was a major influence from the nineteen thirties to the sixties.His answer to recession and high unemployment was government spending on public works,and printing more money to pay for it.
This increase in the money supply fed inflation.But policymakers at that time generally accepted that job growth meant high inflation rates.
Milton Friedman showed that inflation hurt job growth.He argued that governments should control the money supply to keep prices from rising,or falling,too much.But he thought they should not intervene in markets or job creation.
His ideas in the nineteen fifties and sixties were not popular at the time.But in the early seventies the United States had both high inflation and high unemployment.Policymakers started to listen.He won a Nobel Prize in economics in nineteen seventy-six.
His advice to cut taxes and control inflation influenced the policies of President Ronald Reagan and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.He brought his ideas to the public by writing for magazines like Newsweek and appearing on television.
But some critics blame his strong support of tax cuts for increased budget deficits in the United States.And he was criticized for dealing with the military government of Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet.That government overthrew a democratically elected president in nineteen seventy-three.But,as Milton Friedman noted,it was also willing to make economic reforms.
Today,changes in financial markets have made it much harder to control money supplies the way he advised.But his belief in small government and free markets is still popular with economic conservatives and libertarians.
He believed deeply in individual choice.Last year,he told public television's Charlie Rose that he wanted to be remembered as someone who helped increase human freedom.
Survivors include his wife,Rose,an economist with whom he wrote many of his books.
And that's the VOA Special English Economics Report,written by Mario Ritter.I'm Bob Doughty.
10月16日,Milton Friedman(米尔顿·费尔德曼,芝加哥学派的·译者注)在加利福尼亚逝世了,享年94岁.1977年,在他赢得诺贝尔经济学奖的第二年之后,经济学家们就很难制定出与Milton Friedman(米尔顿·费尔德曼)相媲美的政策了.
Milton Friedman(米尔顿·费尔德曼)因为研究政府以限制货币供应的方式来缓解通货紧缩而出名.在研究了几年的美国货币供应后,他将此理论发展成为众所周知的货币主义.
他坚决反对John Maynard Keynes(乔·马纳德·凯恩斯,学经济的都应该知道大名鼎鼎的凯恩斯吧·译者注)的观点,John Maynard Keynes(乔·马纳德·凯恩斯)是20世纪30年代到60年代最有影响力的经济学家.他认为政府用印制钞票的方法来维持高额行政支出是导致经济衰退和高失业率的原因.增长的货币供应维持着通货膨胀.而那时的政策制定者们普遍认为就业的增长导致高通货膨胀率.
Milton Friedman(米尔顿·费尔德曼)让人们知道了是通货膨胀影响了就业,他认为政府应该控制货币供应以避免币值的过渡波动.但是在市场和就业岗位的创造上政府不应该干涉.
他有关削减税率和抑制通货膨胀的建议影响了美国总统Ronald Reagan(罗纳尔德·里根,巡游路上被狙击手暗杀的那个花花公子总统·译者注)和英国首相Margaret Thatcher(撒切尔夫人,以前和邓小平谈判香港回归的那个老女人·译者注)的政策制定.他通过向诸如Newsweek(新闻周刊,美国很出名的实情评论性杂志·译者注)的杂志发表文章和电视露面的方式向公众宣传他的思想.
但是,他对减税政策的坚决支持遭到了一些评论家的批评,他们认为这导致了美国持续上涨的财政赤字.同时他也因为和智利军政府的领导人Augusto Pinochet(奥古斯都·皮尔切诺,就是前几天挂掉那位胖老头·译者注)有染而遭致非议.这个军政府是在1973年通过推翻前政权得以上台,而前总统则是通过民主方式选举出来的.但是就如Milton Friedman(米尔顿·费尔德曼)所说的,这个独裁者也是愿意进行经济改革的.
以上是VOA(美国之音)经济英语的特别报道.由Mario Ritter(马里奥*里特)谱稿,我是Bob Doughty(波波).