作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

3.The boy stood there without ___(dare)___(say) a word

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 10:52:43
3.The boy stood there without ___(dare)___(say) a word
4.She promised ___(come) but she failed ___(do) so
5.It's no good ___(pretend)___(know)what you don't know
6.Madame Curie devoted all her time to ___(work) hard for 4 years,and she succeeded in ___(diacover) Radium
7.It's difficult for a foreigner to get used to ___(eat) with computer
8.Mary tried ____(explain) but the teacher refused ___(listen)
9.Would you mind ___(show) me how __(operate) the computer
10.People used ___(make) fire by ___(rub) two sticks together
11.We'd better ___(take) an umbrella .We don't want ___(rish)___(get)caught in the rain
12.Do you feel like ___(go) shopping or would you rather ___(stay) at hime
13.The teacher had me __(repeat) his words ___(make) sure that i understod what __(do) next
14.If you can't turn the key ,try ___9put) some oil in the lock
15.They managed ___(drive) the snake out by ___(let) the sun ___(heat) the sleeping bag
16.___(get) enough money ___(support) her family,she spent the summer and fall ___(hunt) for a job
17.It's no use ___(try)___(interrupt) him.You'll have ___(wait) until he stops ___(talk)
18.It's better ___(ask) the teacher for help than___(stand) here ___(quarrel)with each other
19.Imagine ___(travel) in outer space .We are unable ___(stay) in one place.___(drink) and ___(eat) ecome very difficult
20.I remember ___(tell) the news before
3.The boy stood there without _daring__(dare)_to say__(say) a word
4.She promised _to come__(come) but she failed _to do__(do) so
5.It's no good _ pretending__(pretend)_to know__(know)what you don't know
6.Madame Curie devoted all her time to _working__(work) hard for 4 years,and she succeeded in _discovering__(diacover) Radium
7.It's difficult for a foreigner to get used to _eating__(eat) with computer
8.Mary tried __to explain__(explain) but the teacher refused _to listen__(listen)
9.Would you mind showing___(show) me how _to operate_(operate) the computer
10.People used _to make__(make) fire by _rubbing_(rub) two sticks together
11.We'd better _take__(take) an umbrella .We don't want __to risk_(rish)_getting__(get)caught in the rain
12.Do you feel like _going__(go) shopping or would you rather stay___(stay) at hime
13.The teacher had me _repeated_(repeat) his words _to make__(make) sure that i understod what _to do_(do) next
14.If you can't turn the key ,try _to put__9put) some oil in the lock
15.They managed __to drive_(drive) the snake out by letting___(let) the sun _heat__(heat) the sleeping bag
16._To get__(get) enough money _to support__(support) her family,she spent the summer and fall hunting___(hunt) for a job
17.It's no use _to try__(try)_to interrupt__(interrupt) him.You'll have _to wait__(wait) until he stops talking___(talk)
18.It's better _to ask__(ask) the teacher for help than_stand__(stand) here _quarreling__(quarrel)with each other
19.Imagine __traveling_(travel) in outer space .We are unable to stay___(stay) in one place.__Drinking_(drink) and _eating__(eat) ecome very difficult
20.I remember _telling__(tell) the news before