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请教关于微观经济学中等量曲线与marginal product的一些问题 写出来的不知道对否 谢

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 21:32:50
请教关于微观经济学中等量曲线与marginal product的一些问题 写出来的不知道对否 谢
A firm that produces using labor and capital experiences a 3% increase in output when it increases both inputs by 4%.This means that
A.the firm is most likely operating in the short run
B.the firm's isoquants are progressively further apart as we move further from the origin
C.the firm is experiencing increasing returns to scale
D.the firm can be said to be inefficient in terms of allocational efficiency
就是说一个公司用人工与资产 经历了输出3%的上升 但是输入上升了4% 我这选择的是D
2.Imagine a situation in which the RTS is a positive number.Which of the following would be true about this positive RTS?
A.This is a normal situation for a firm.
B.The slope of the isoquant would also be positive.
C.The marginal product of one of the inputs would have to be negative.
D.The firm would be paying for an input that made it harder (less efficient) to produc
这个说如果RTS是正数 哪个是正确的 我选择的是A 这种情况对一个公司很正常
3.A firm produces pies using bakers and ovens only (don't ask me how they do that with only those two inputs - just go with me here!).On any given isoquant for the firm,we are holding
A.the number of both bakers and ovens constant
B.either the number of bakers or ovens constant
C.the number of pies constant
D.the number of pies and the number of ovens constant (assuming we're in the short run)
Consider Firm A,which has the following data:
With 4 units of machinery and 2 workers,it can produce 1628 units.
With 4 units of machinery and 3 workers,it can produce 1634 units.
With 4 units of machinery and 4 workers,it can produce 1640 units.
Calculate its marginal product of labor from 2 to 3 units.Enter only a number and a decimal point if necessary.Enter 99999 if you don't have enough information to answer the question.
这个要计算marginal product 我算出来的是6
Consider again the information given about Firm A.True or false:Firm A exhibits diminishing marginal product of labor from 3 to 4 units.
这个我选择的是B 因为我计算的marginal product是constant的 -.-
Consider again the information given about firm A.Calculate its marginal product of capital as it goes from 3 units to 4.
  3、正确,因为生产pie需要一对互补品,即bakers and ovens ,它们的比例是1:1.也就说生产pies的生产函数是固定比例的生产函数,所以其等产量是一条位于第一象限、从原点出发向右上方倾斜的直线.在任何给定的产量水平上,我们只需确定baker和oven中任何一个就行.
  4、最后一问是错的,题目问的是 marginal product of capital ,注意是capital ,而非labor,根据题目我们无法得知marginal product of capital 的值,所以应该Enter 99999 .