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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 09:05:53
去年夏天,妈妈带我去老家看望外公外婆。让我真正体会到了乡村生活。 清早,我早早的起了床,乡村的空气真是好,到处小鸟在树上欢唱 家家炊烟袅绕 让人心旷神怡, 乡村真是太美丽了。吃完早饭,我和弟弟妹妹一起出去玩。又让我看到了让我们感动的地方,比如说。和我一般大的小朋友一个人去砍柴,还有小朋友在家里自己做饭,因为爸爸妈妈都出去做事了。还有小朋友帮老人家背东西,帮爷爷奶奶搬煤球等等。让我真正感受到了乡村生活的淳朴和乡村小朋友的可爱。我向往乡村生活, 在今后的生活中,我也要像乡村小朋友一样,做一个可爱的小朋友。
再问: 用英活
再答: 英语?
再问: 对
再答: 百度客户端 源语言是:中文翻译 Last summer, my mother took me to go home to visit Grandpa and grandma. I really appreciate the life in the country. Early in the morning, I get out of bed, the air in the countryside is really good, everywhere the birds in the trees sing every smoke rises up to let a person feel fresh, the country is really beautiful. After breakfast, my brother and sister go out to play together. Let me see. We moved to the place, for example. And I generally little friend a person to chop wood, and little friends at home to cook their own food, because mom and dad are going out to work. There is little friends to help the elderly carry things, help my grandparents moved briquettes etc.. So I really feel rural life simplicity and rural children of lovely. I yearn for country life, life in the future, I would also like a small village as a friend, a lovely little friends.
再问: 短一点
再答: 望采纳
再问: 只要别这么长我必采纳
再答: 等下
再问: 哦
再答: The road in the field When the spring girl walked with light steps, blowing the Jasper bamboo flute, suddenly, like the earth covered with a green dress. The grass is green, forest green, green farmland...... The lovely green gently stroked my eyes, thick the awaken of spring surrounded me, I revel in the beauty of nature in the spring scenery. A holiday in the early morning, the rising sun to disperse the continuous spring rain. Mom took my car to go to the countryside to visit uncle. The car, I suddenly was fascinated by the scenery in front of. The front is a meandering river, clear creek, a stone arch bridge with the river on both sides of the connection. Shijiershang, looking ahead is a large crop, bursts of breeze, the wheat rippled in the breeze, "Shua" sound, like the rippling blue waves of the lake. I walk the road in the field, greedily breathe the air with fragrance of soil, indescribably more comfortable! After a while, I'm far seen pink farmhouse villa uncle lived. It is surrounded by green rape field. The villa more near, rapeseed fragrance is thicker, the ear also came the bee "buzz" sound, the sound louder and louder, even can see these cute little wizard in the flowers dancing figure. Through the rape fields, the house, modeling chic uncle buildings to see more clearly, the villa around four with a ring of hollow iron fence. Through the fence, I can see two willows in the breeze blowing soft "long hair", four peach trees red face, like a piece of beautiful rosy clouds, emitting bursts of fragrance, a few butterflies in the flowers in the garden of rise and dance in a happy mood, the small pond a few small fish leisurely swimming with his body, grass woven into a large green carpet, they added a taste for the spring, is really "a caged" ah! Rural spring is really do not have some fun, I from the city children again deeply intoxicated.
再答: 英语都长
再问: 不那么长
再答: 百度客户端 翻译 In the blue sky, white clouds in the background, a slightly shabby wa Wu is located in the yellow sand, from time to time some chicken pecking at the ground. Two times a week the big market, huge crowds of people on the street, bustling. Vigorous shouts, to sell poultry called, occasionally also came Kanjia controversy.
再答: 去年春天,妈妈带我去老家看姥姥。在那里,我真正体会到了什么是乡村生活,直到现在,那种回忆我还是回味无穷! 清晨,我早早地起了床,就跟弟妹出去玩。小鸟不时地站在枝头唱歌,野花随外可见,他们在秋风中摇曳,在阳光的沐浴中,显得那么可爱;鱼儿在水中嬉戏,小溪欢快地流淌。 只有远处偶尔传来几句叫喊,显得更加那么安静,只有几声汽笛声偶尔传来 乡村生活,你是那么使人回味无穷,那么使人,流连忘返! 百度客户端 翻译 Last spring, my mother took me to go home to see my grandma. There, I really feel what is life in the country, until now, I still lead a person to endless aftertastes kind of memories! Early in the morning, I got up very early, with younger siblings to go out to play. The birds from time to time standing on a tree singing, flowers with the outer visible, they were swaying in the wind, in the sunshine, looked so lovely; the fish in the water play, the stream flowing merrily. Only distant occasionally heard several sentence yell, appears to be more quiet, only a few occasional siren Country life, you are so make people lead a person to endless aftertastes, then makes people indulge in pleasures without stop!