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三分钟演讲,主题是 Do you want to be a teacher in the future

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 02:50:38
三分钟演讲,主题是 Do you want to be a teacher in the future
  I want to be a teacher
  From small to large, I have many "want to be ... ..." But now, I want to be a teacher.
  We all know that being a teacher is to impart knowledge to students. It is often hard to compare a teacher of teachers and students is the flowers of the motherland. Do we need these flowers, the gardener to hard water it? It is because of the hard, selfless dedication gardener, our motherland will be a delicate and charming and beautiful flowers.
  If I were a teacher, I certainly would not keep a straight face all day, so students afraid of me. Although a strict teacher a great day, but I do not want to severely overdone. But not too gentle, not let them misbehave. Then combined, fifth kind, five severe, not only the students can become good friends, but could be a great teacher. If I were a teacher, I certainly would not leave a lot of pages to copy written work. Because, these simple operations no sense, only in exchange for the students complaints. If I were a teacher, I must let students know that learning is a pleasant, working only after a review class. In class, I explain the vivid humorous text. Look! Under the platform, a thirst for knowledge both are concentrating on the small eyes staring at me too!
  If I were a teacher, I would definitely put the students into the nature of the classroom. Spring, I took them fly a kite, catch butterflies; summer, I took them boating, catching dragonflies; fall, I took them to adopt the fruits, gather the leaves; winter, I take them to snowball fights, snowman, this can increase extra-curricular knowledge. I do not believe this kind of life, students of writing will not anything else to write; I do not believe that such a childhood, students will be easily forgotten.
  I really want to be a glorious people, teachers had to personally experience the taste of Teacher's Day, I want all my knowledge to others. So now I have to study hard, to strive for this ideal, in the future I will achieve my dream of teachers.
  Ah! How I would like to become a favorite teacher by the people I want to be a teacher, now we are still very small, the teacher may not realize the hard work. Shangyin once said, "Till death do us part, wax torch until dry ash tears." By then, I will first and students mix into their collective, multi-and talk to them about their ideas to a generation gap between teachers and students no longer. I would also like the implementation of the free class is for students to choose their own classrooms and teachers like the class, the teacher and each class must be of different personality traits, such as a group of teachers to explain in more detail, more classes of teacher humor, our class teacher in the class activities are very rich ... ... This way, students feel that learning is no longer boring, and students choose classes, there is no reason not listened to the lectures, the classroom will significantly improve efficiency.
  I want to become a teacher
  Huh? Why do you want to become a teacher? But that a salary is not high, had to eat chalk career. Someone asked me. But when I explain why I want to become a teacher, a moving story, the people who ask me everybody to bow their heads to think, flushing away. Would like to hear this story? Continue down the look! This was the third year from the start with, there is
  Huh? Why do you want to become a teacher? But that a salary is not high, had to eat chalk career. Someone asked me. But when I explain why I want to become a teacher, a moving story, the people who ask me everybody to bow their heads to think, flushing away. Would like to hear this story? Continue down it out!
  This was the third year from the start with, once a teacher is my cousin took me to a mountain district in the primary and secondary schools, to get there. Yeah! Really enlightened, a look surprised, that black housing, as to collapse like to issue a pungent smell, unpleasant death.
  Go in, listen to the teacher who is a mountainous country the children lectures, teachers can not speak Mandarin, using a rural language, I do not wonder interest said: "Yeah, that can learn me?" Listen to the content of lectures, simple , still have time to vacate the students to do exercises, and regardless of the child who has not quite understand. I asked the teacher: "Why not Mandarin lectures, and put it so simple?" Silent teacher said: "hey, can only blame myself Xueshiqianbao, but the mountains are not a teacher, had to make do." That this remark, the teacher with tears in his eyes, fighting back cry out, still silently blame. I can understand exactly how the teacher sad, my heart started, and were nearly out of tears. I walked away, toward a group of students, asked: "Do you want to book you want to go to college?" They categorically - said in unison: "Yes!" What a firm belief, however fast reply, gives me endless ideas. Also think about the city's children have to eat a drink that allows them to school, but sank on his head, Duqi mouth, and the countryside, compared with the child, which is really a big slice of difference!
  I talk alone with a girl: "Your learning environment is so bad, why does not the county schools?" Sad girl answered: "No way, bad conditions at home, no money, school fees have to scrape together the intersection, to solve this problem. "And she had tears, and I promised her, we must grow up to become a teacher, came to the mountains to teach children the knowledge, teach them the truth in life, teach them speak Mandarin, writing. We finally pulled the hook.
  Yes ah! Kids warm mountain, mountain children's desire for the mountain of teachers regret deeply touched that the students of the chord. How can it not exciting?
  I have to become a teacher, this is my heart's desire, I must achieve this wonderful dream - to become a teacher
  I really want to become a teacher
  Everyone has their own aspirations, and some want to become a scientist, and some want to become a singer, while others want to be a good diplomat ... ... and I was different, I want to be a teacher.
  We all know that being a teacher is to impart knowledge to students. The teacher is often likened hard gardener, and students are flowers of the motherland. Do we need these flowers, the gardener to hard water it? It is because of the hard, selfless dedication gardener, our motherland will be a delicate and charming and beautiful flowers.
  Teachers, is what a hard work ah! When family members asked about my wish, I am always proud to tell them: my desire is to grow up to become a good teacher. Upon hearing his family always said that when teachers are hard, they do not want me as a teacher, but I think when the teachers are the most glorious. Sometimes, I often dream about this scenario: in a bright and spacious classrooms, a teacher standing on the podium with relish to the students lectures, the children listened attentively while the teacher is my . All with a smile every time I wake up, grow up to really become a fantasy dream man standing on the podium on the amiable teacher.
  In school, I often talk about when they grow up, and friends Yin Jingwen things. She said she grew up and I just want to work together. I say grow up to be a teacher, when she heard these words, always humorous to me: "Then let to open two schools, you come when the president, as a teacher to the students as They teach imams. We two work well together, I teach writing, painting and music, you teach language, mathematics and natural. "I would jokingly said to her:" Well! Then let the operation of a open two kindergarten! "Carter, We'll stay at each other laugh, can laugh it stopped suddenly become very serious, then what we think, no one would know.
  When looking at DU teachers lectures on the podium the way, I would think: If I could, as the same Elsie teacher nice to ah! I have so much respect for the students, without reservation, I will teach my knowledge to the students how this is a glorious thing ah!
  I really want to be a glorious people, teachers had to personally experience the taste of Teacher's Day, I want all my knowledge to others. So now I have to study hard, to strive for this ideal, in the future I will achieve my dream of teachers.