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英语翻译DON'T INSULT A GODDESSLike most goddesses,Artemis was no

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 21:41:08
Like most goddesses,Artemis was not a happy camper when she was insulted.It is a generally good rule to follow,that one should not insult the gods by calling them names or even by comparing oneself to their beauty,skill,or anything else.The same rule applies with most nymphs.One idiot,for example,named Chione,bore the penalty for daring to compare herself to Artemis.She asked Apollo to tell her she was more beautiful than the goddess.This he would not do (smart man),but Artemis found out,and shot Chione.She also killed Ethemea for not sacrificing to her.Another example was when some dude forgot to sacrifice to her and she sent the Calydonian Boar to ravage everything.A girl named Gerana was turned into a crane for talking smack.
Protectress of Maidens?
There are two versions of this story,but the more well-known,and generally accepted version,is pretty grim.It has to do with Iphigenia.We have already clarified,I believe,DON'T PISS OFF A GODDESS,and Iphigenia's daddy,Agamemnon (see him in such blockbusters as The Iliad,or incorrectly but amusingly portrayed in Troy),blatantly ignored this most important of rules,and upon expert shooting of a deer,declared that even Artemis couldn't do it better!Bad move.Also,Iphigenia's grandad had welched on a sacrifice he was supposed to make (disrespect all thru this family!),so that didn't help matters.Anyway,time passes,and the Trojan War is about to start led by our own Agamemnon.So he starts off and then the poop hits the fan.The sea goes crazy (depending who's telling the story,there's no wind,or it's an insane hurricane) and it becomes quite clear that Artemis is making answer to their leader.Agamemnon is forced to sacrifice Iphigenia,more or less,and sends her off (telling her she's gonna marry hunky Achilles) to die.Now see,that seems highly problematic to me,because ain't this goddess supposed to be protecting dewy virgins?The Greeks were divided on this.Some say she died believing to the last she was gonna marry Achilles.Some say that Artemis turned her into Hecate.And some say that at the very last second,Artemis substituted the girl's body with a deer's and Iphigenia went off to become a minor goddess.Really,it's hard to tell,but it's easy to see that Artemis had a lot of different perceptions,and was no wilting flower.