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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 02:47:53
北庭故城曾是丝绸之路新北道上重要的交通枢纽和军事要冲.公元1至11世纪,沿着丝绸之路,佛教文化在西域广泛传播.Beiting Military Viceroy’s Office was an important transportation hub and military stronghold in New North Road of the Silk Road,.1-11 century AD,along the Silk Road,Buddhist culture have been widely spreaded in the Western Regions.
如上翻译是否正确,其中Buddhist culture have been,in New North Road of the Silk Road等句子是否需要再行推敲修改呢
Beiting Military Viceroy’s Office是指定用词这个不用改
“丝绸之路新北道”的译法可以再斟酌一下,有人译为:the new northern branch/route of the Silk Road ,我觉得用route比较好.
另外,.1-11 century AD 前面应该是另一句了,严格一点,century 前面应该用序数词.再有,既然限定了时间,就应该用过去时,而不是用 have been.动词spread,过去分词为spread
In 1st-11th century AD,along the Silk Road,the Buddhist culture was widely spread in the Western Regions.