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英语翻译Facing the wrath of bushfire victims in Australia,electr

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 00:23:11
Facing the wrath of bushfire victims in Australia,electricity provider SP AUSNET is vowing to "vigorously defend" itself against a
class action suit lodged in the state of Victoria----but not before first watching its share price punished by investors
面对澳大利亚愤怒的山火受害者,供电商SP AUSNET放言,它将在维多利亚州的集体诉讼中为自己“竭力辩护”.但官司尚未开打其股价已为投资者所看低 (应声下跌)