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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 23:44:57
  一?that 用于引导宾语从句时通常可以省略,尤其是在口语中.而that引导主语从句?表语从句?同位语从句时一般不能省略.如:
  He told me (that) the meeting had been put off.
  That our volleyball team had beaten theirs pleased every one of us.
  The problem with building the factory is that we are lack of money.
  Word came that he has recovered from the bad disease.
  1. 宾语从句为多个并列句时,前面分句的that可以省略,但最后一个分句的引导词that不能省略.如:
  He told me (that) he had entered a university in Nanjing and that he was enjoying the college life there.
  2. 宾语从句本身为一个复合句且复合句中的从句位于主句前时,that不能省略.
  He said that if I went there, he would go too.
  She believes that what the teacher says must be right.
  3. 主句与宾语从句加入了插入语时.
  He said, in his opinion, that it was too early for middle school students to carry cell-phones.
  4. that引导的宾语从句后置,用形式宾语it代替时.
  China has made it clear to the world that it is strongly against terrorism.
  5. 跟在介词but, besides, except等后引导宾语从句时.
  Your composition is very good except that there are a few mistakes.
  1. It’s+名词+that…用于该句型的名词有a pity, a great pleasure, no wonder, (high) time等.
  It’s a pity that you shouldn’t go with us to the concert tonight.
  It’s high time that they started to work.
  2. It’s+形容词+that…用于该句型的形容词有possible, necessary, important, natural, strange 等.
  It’s true that his brother got his left hand hurt when he was working on the machine.
  It’s necessary that we practiced speaking English as often as possible.
  3. It+不及物动词+that… 用于该句型的不及物动词有happen, occur, appear等.
  It happened that a doctor was on the train at that very moment.
  It occurred to me that I was going the wrong way.
4. It’s+过去分词+that…用于该句型的过去分词有said, reported, announced等.
  It is said that two people got killed in the traffic accident yesterday.
  It is announced that China is strongly against terrorism.
  We all think it great fun that we learn English in Mr. Hu’s class.
  Mr. Green considers it important that students should form good habits of learning.
  We don’t doubt that he is fit for this job.
  There is no doubt that we Chinese are determined to stop Taiwan from being separated from mainland.
  五?名词the reason作主语或why开头的主语从句,其后的表语从句只能用that引导,不能用because.如:
  The reason for coming late is that I was caught in the traffic jam.
  Why she kept silent about the matter is that she didn’t want to be involved in it.
  六?that和whether都不作句中成分,区别时要从主句来寻找信息.若主句中有question, hasn’t been decided, is not known yet, depends on, wonder, doubt…等词语时且表示“不肯定”或事物的“两面性”时应用whether;而表示“肯定性”?“单一性”则应用that.如:
  例1 The question came up at the meeting ____ we had enough money for our research.
   A. whether B. that C. what D. where
  分析:本题主语the question后带有一个同位语从句,由于从句不缺少必要成分,因此C项不符合,D项放入从句也说不通顺,如果选B,则是肯定的陈述“我们有足够的钱搞研究”,这怎么会成为“问题”呢?而“是否有”才是我们在会上讨论的问题.故答案为A.
  例2 Along with the letter was his promise ____ he would visit me this coming Christmas.
   A. which B. that C. what D. whether