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英语翻译This is Ray McCarthy with the news.Reports are coming in

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 04:47:44
This is Ray McCarthy with the news.Reports are coming in of a major train crash in Japan.A passenger train carrying hundreds of workers home from the center of Tokyo is reported to have hit an oncoming goods train.Both were traveling at high speed.Figures are not yet available but it is believed that the death toll could be as high as 300,with hundreds more injured.Emergency and rescue services rushed to the scene.But our reporter says it will take days to clear the track and to establish the numbers of the dead and injured.There was a similar accident on the same stretch of track four years ago.
  There was another bomb scare in a large London store last night during late night shopping.Following a telephone call to the police from an anonymous caller,hundreds of shoppers were shepherded out of the store while roads in the area were sealed off.Police dogs spent hours searching the store for a bag which the caller claimed contained 50 pounds of explosives.Nothing was found and the store was given the all-clear by opening time this morning.A police spokesman said that this was the third bomb scare within a week and that we should all be on our guard.
  And finally,the motoring organizations have issued a warning to drivers following the recent falls of snow in many parts of the country.Although the falls may be slight,they say extra care is needed.
我是Ray McCarthy,下面为您播报新闻.日本发生一起严重的列车相撞事故.据报道,一列旅客列车与一列货运列车迎面高速相撞,当时,客车上载有数百名从东京市中心下班回家的工人.虽然具体的遇难人数还未公布,但相信可能会高达300人,另有数百人受伤.应急救援人员迅速赶到现场,但我台的记者表示,事故现场的清理及伤亡数字的统计将需耗时数日.四年前,就在这条线路上还发生过一起类似事故.
再问: 不错。这2篇也翻译一下。保证采纳。 http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/623767784583891004.html?quesup2&oldq=1&sort=6 http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/239446953640884084.html?quesup2&oldq=1
再答: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/623767784583891004.html?quesup2&oldq=1&sort=6 这一题第一渔民的翻译很好,我就不再献丑了。 http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/239446953640884084.html?quesup2&oldq=1 这一题Sharon0972的译文也不错,只对He says that it doesn’t take a whole lot of smell to affect you. 多说一句。 这一句你可以将否定转为肯定来理解,即He says that it takes very little smell to affect you. 意即“只需些许的气味就能影响你”,意译的话可以是:几缕淡香便能激起你的购买欲/几缕淡香便能诱惑你心甘情愿地掏腰包。
再答: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/623767784583891004.html?quesup2&oldq=1&sort=6 这一题第一渔民的翻译很好,我就不再献丑了。 http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/239446953640884084.html?quesup2&oldq=1 这一题Sharon0972的译文也不错,只对你追问的 He says that it doesn’t take a whole lot of smell to affect you.谈点个人理解。 这一句你不妨将否定转为肯定来理解,即 He says that it takes very little smell to affect you. 意思是“只需些许气味便会影响到你”,意译的话,可以说“几缕淡香便能激起你的购物欲”/“几缕淡香便能让您心甘情愿地掏腰包”。
再问: 谢谢,请翻译这段http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/360206278194388972.html