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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/05 19:41:05
Do you agree or disagree the following statement?
Parents are the best teachers.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answers.
My answer is as following,
I absolutely agree with this statement. A person never stops learning new skills during his/her entire life but the most important thing that one needs to be taught is how to conduct his/herself which is difficult to be changed after one grows up. And during the time that a person is still a kid, parents are definitely the best teachers in his/her life.
Although a person learns from many people who is around him/her when s/he is young, the people s/he spend most time with are his/her parents. Parents have most chances to teach him/her. While other people were being nice or harsh on him/her for different reasons and purposes, his/her parents who deeply care about him/her compliment or punish him/her only in his/her own best interest. Parents have best motivation and they make every effort to try to do the teaching job well.
Parents are the people in the world which a kid trusts most. A little kid listens to his/her parents most. I can still recall that I rejected my first birthday card in my life because my mom had told me not to take advantage of people which had been interpreted by me to not to ask or accept free things from others. Even after s/he grows up to a troublesome teenager and becomes rebellious, a part of his/her heart still values his/her parents' opinion especially when s/he faces serious problems or try to make important decisions.
A kid would emulate how his/her parents behave. When s/he is young, s/he would mimic their parents' ways of walking,speaking and dressing. After s/he grows up, there is a big chance that s/he would try to handle things as s/he saw how his/her parents did when s/he was young. I have a uncle who was a single dad and didn't want to behave himself and his daughter ended up to talk rudely and try to solve problems by violence.
For all the reasons I listed above, I have enough belief in this theory that parents are the best teachers for their kids.
4.要多用关联词,比如说,to begin with,for example ,however,furthermore,eventually等等,把你的文章串连起来.