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he insisted that he had not do anything wrong and that he sh

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 08:53:48
he insisted that he had not do anything wrong and that he should be set free 这句话有没有语法错误
其后可接 that-从句,但要根据意思的不同而分清两种情况:
(1) 表示“坚持要”“一定要”,从句所指的一般是尚未实现的事实,此时谓语通常用虚拟语气(即should+动词原形),而且引导词that 一般不省略(尤其是当已经省略 should 时).如:

The detective insisted that he should have a look. 警探坚持要查看.

I insisted that he (should) go with us. 我坚持要他和我们一块儿去.

(2) 表示“坚持说”“坚持认为”,从句所指的通常是已经发生的事或已存在的状态,谓语一般用陈述语气,引导词 that 可省略.如:

He still insisted he wasn’t there at the time. 他仍然坚持说他当时不在那儿.

John insisted that he heard somebody in the house. 约翰坚持说他听到房子里有人.


He insists that she is careful. 他力言她是小心的.

He insists that she should be careful. 他坚持要她小心.

He insisted that he was not ill, but the doctor insisted that he should take the medicine. 他坚持说他没有病,但医生却坚持要他服药.

本文出自:www.90house.cn 原文链接:http://www.90house.cn/yingyu/CiFa_DuanYu/7581.html