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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 13:09:38
This is what I keep the dog,its name is Pune.He is now 4 years old,he is a male dog.I remember four years ago,it was my dad to hold,when my mother and I are opposed to raising the grounds that the dirty,and bored.But the father said:With regard to when a recreation,play bar.In this way our family dog has become a member.Before that dog,I have never been "at arm's length",but the main thing is I think it is just a pleasure for people's pets,and people have enjoyed an insurmountable boundaries.It first came to our house,I do not like it,but as time goes on,it does bring home the infinite joy,
Whenever I talk about it to classmates or friends always have lots to talk sense,then filled with a happy face from time to time glory.Its view of a fundamental change,it has become my "friend."
Putney is a very cute purebred dog,it is the most favorite person is her father,and as long as the father at home,regardless of when it should be,and her father together,lying in her father around,it seems that only,and father in the only with a sense of security.When Dad was gone to work,it must lie at the door,while the father work,it is always the first one heard the footsteps toward the door.It will be very please,as long as a doorbell ring at home,which no matter where,no matter what will be flying in the same went to the door to receive,if the owner or acquaintances,it will pranced to intimate half-day.No wonder some people say that dogs are the most-pass human nature,
It is good to know who it.You really are good,it also sincerely love you.Putney on the "walking" and "play" the word is very sensitive,as long as one to say "go" or "play",it will look at ran to the door,let you take it out together,but even so,if you take foot poke it,it will not follow you,but look at you from far away,it is how ah pass humanity!Because Putney,I am not afraid of dogs.But also because it is,I know between the people and dogs,not just the relationship between owners and pets,as well as more importantly,is love.
英语翻译原文:这是我养的小狗,它的名字叫普尼.他现在4岁了,是条公狗.记得4年前它被我爸抱来的时候,我和妈妈都反对养,理 英语翻译我现在没有养宠物,但以前我养了只小狗,他的名子叫崽崽,它非常的小,很可爱,我和爸爸妈妈都非常喜欢它.它特别喜欢吃 英语翻译我有一个快乐的家庭,它有4口人,是我的爸爸、妈妈、弟弟Tom和我.我的名字叫Anny,我有一个小弟弟,他的名字叫 英语翻译人们喜欢听到关于他的事.我和爸爸妈妈一起生活得很开心!我五岁的时候我学会了玩篮球.它对我的健康有好处我的愿望终于 英语翻译这只小狗捡回来的时候身上特别脏,我给他洗了三次澡都没有洗干净,但是他一直都很听话.现在他健康成长,真是奇迹 英语翻译我有一只宠物,它是一只可爱的小狗,它的名字叫PUIIY,它今年两岁了,它喜欢面面,我们总是一起散步,它会在我一个 英语翻译我3年前去过那儿.我还记得当我到那儿的时候被美丽的湖水惊呆了--这是我所见过的最清澈的湖水. 英语翻译估计是我的名字太邪恶了,真的,我想不到其他任何它封杀我的理由他想剥夺我的原创idea它没出生之前,人人都不予以关 英语翻译我给小狗洗了个热水澡,并用吹风机把它的毛吹干,它亲热得冲我摇尾巴.这真是一条漂亮的小狗,有着长长的黄毛和大大的眼 小狗为什么怕打雷?我家的小狗,胆子很小,一到打雷的时候,它就跑到我的两条腿之间躲起来,这是为什么? 我该选择放弃还是坚持我在小学的时候爱上了一个男生,现在我和他不在同一所中学,我深爱了他4年,现在还是喜欢他,现在,每周都 英语翻译这是我写的小说名字、想知道它的英文翻译、谢谢了