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英语翻译小弟要主持一个老外与中国人的婚礼 需要英语的 本人准备了中文稿 麻烦哪位大侠给翻译下 (一)婚礼开场尊敬的女士们

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/04 06:05:20
小弟要主持一个老外与中国人的婚礼 需要英语的 本人准备了中文稿 麻烦哪位大侠给翻译下
很高兴大家能够来参加克奈斯先生和杨秋琴小姐的结婚典礼。首先我代表二位新人及新人的家人向各位的到来表示忠心的感谢和热烈的欢迎!(掌声)朋友们,您相信爱无国界吗?您相信爱情能让两个人跨越千山万水走到一起吗?今天的主人公一个是来自中国太仓的时尚女孩,一个是来自奥地利的艺术古城“格拉茨”。是什么让这对异国恋人情定终生呢?又是什么让这位奥地利的小伙跨越千山万水,义无反顾的追随新娘来到中国太仓呢?今晚就让我们去感受,去分享这段异国恋情的甜蜜与浪漫。现在是公元2009年8月22日18:08分,美丽的中国公主杨秋琴与奥地利的王子克奈斯他们要把最绚丽的幸福时刻绽放在中国,绽放在公主的家乡美丽的江南小镇 ----金太仓!下面请所有来宾起立,让我们用最热烈的掌声和欢呼声合着音乐的节拍欢迎两位新人闪亮登场!
Good evening,ladies and gentlemen!
It's really a pleasure to see all of you presenting at the wedding of Mr.and Ms Qiuqin Yang.
Firstly,I'd like to give you a warm welcome and best regards from the newlyweds and their families.(applause)
My friends,do you believe that love is beyond national boundary?(其实说得挺怪的,一些中文的东西翻译了就变味了,可以说do you believe that love holds no limit between 2 countries?) Do you believe that love can bring 2 person together from thousand miles away?
The main roles today are a young girl (加上时尚其实还有点怪怪的)from Taicang,China and a young fellow from 格拉茨,Austria,a city of art.
What made this couple from different countries made the most important promise in their life?
And what made this young fellow in Austria follow his new bride to Taicang in China over all of this distance without a doubt?
Right here,right now,let us feel and share the sweetness and romance of this love which holds 2 persons in 2 countries.
Now is the time 8 minutes after 6 o'clock at twenty-second August.The beautiful chinese princess Qiuqin Yang and her Austrian prince 克奈斯 would let their most gorgeous and happiest moment take wing in China,in the beautiful hometown of the princess in Jiangnan--Jintaicang!
Now,I would,if I may,ask all our guests to stand up and welcome the 2 newlyweds with our warmest applause!