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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 19:55:47
A Verizon Walled Garden
Unfortunately,the Hub can't make up its mind whether it is a full-fledged Internet terminal or a portal into a Verizon walled garden,and that ends up limiting its usefulness.The most glaring example:It has text and photo messaging,but they work only with other Verizon Wireless phones.For a device that's supposed to represent the future,this is a Neanderthal approach.
Other Verizon-centric features perform just as they should.With Chaperone,you touch an icon on the screen to call up a program that displays the location of any Chaperone-equipped Verizon phone on a map.The Hub also gives you limited access to the well-known VZ Navigator service.With this,you can look up an address using the Hub,then download a map and driving directions to a phone equipped with Navigator.
In some cases the features would be more useful if they took advantage of some standard Web tools.There's a calendar,but it doesn't synchronize with any of the popular Web-based calendar services—a bit surprising given that Verizon's own smartphones will do this.You can export contacts from Microsoft Outlook to the Hub,but there's no two-way sync with Outlook or anything else.The Hub includes a grab bag of other features:audio weather and traffic reports,V CAST video clips,Internet radio,and the ability to turn the Hub's screen into a digital picture frame.
As a phone,the Hub offers all the modern conveniences.It lists your voice-mail messages on the display so you can choose which ones to listen to,just as you can on an iPhone.And if you want,incoming calls will automatically switch to your cell phone—or any other phone—if they can't get through to the Hub because of a power failure or Internet outage.
The Hub is a welcome step forward for landlines,but it could be a lot better.Verizon Wireless has to understand the dominance of the Internet in both wired and wireless communications means openness.These days nobody is interested in staring at a garden wall.
不幸的是,该中心不能下决心是否是一个成熟的互联网终端或一个门户网站成为Verizon的围墙花园,并最终限制了它的有用性.最明显的例子:它的文字和图片信息,但他们只能在其他Verizon Wireless的电话.对于设备的支持代表着未来,这是一个尼安德特人的做法.
在某些情况下,功能将更为有用的,如果他们利用一些标准的网络工具.有一个日历,但它并不同步,任何流行的基于Web的日历服务,有点令人意外,因为Verizon的自己的智能手机将做到这一点.您可以导出联系人从Microsoft Outlook中的枢纽,但没有双向同步与Outlook或其他任何.该中心包括一个抓斗袋其他功能:音频天气和交通报告,的V CAST视频剪辑,互联网广播,并有能力把集线器的屏幕成为数码相框.