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英语翻译:将一段短文翻译为英文. 因为自己翻译的不太好,所以求大神笼罩

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/06 00:37:30
英语翻译:将一段短文翻译为英文. 因为自己翻译的不太好,所以求大神笼罩
佛教(Buddhism)传入中国,究竟是在什么时候?对这个问题,中国史学界还没有确切的结论,大致可说是在公元一世纪前半叶.传统的说法是:东汉明帝(Emperor Ming)时,佛教传入中国.但现有史料可以证明,在此之前,中原的汉族已经接触到佛教.它此后在中国的传播是一个漫长、缓慢的进程.佛教传入中国是中国历史上的一个重大事件.它自传入后,成为中国文明的一个重要因素,对宗教、哲学、艺术和文学都产生了巨大的影响.
When Buddhism spread into China is still arguable in the history community of China although it is generally thought that it happened in the first half of the 1st century.The traditional view is that Buddhism was introduced to China in the period of Emperor Ming in Eastern Han Dynasty.However,curren historic materials have proved that Han ethnic in ancient central China was in touch with Buddhism before that period.After introduction,Buddhism witnessed a long and slow process.
The entry of Buddhism to China is a major landmark in Chinese hisotry.It has been an important part of Chinese civilization and exerted a significant influence to the developement of religon,philosophy,arts and literature.