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英语翻译Jay Chou is an unbelievably super star in Asia,especiall

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/08 02:28:49
Jay Chou is an unbelievably super star in Asia,especially in China with his achievement in the entertainment range from singing to TV shows to movies,during which period he himself acted as a singer,hero and director as well.What strikes us most,needless to say,is that everything about him-- news,ideas,words,even clothes and make-ups,and no matter how strange it seems when first appearing-- will turn out to be a source of a fashion trend some day.The fact indeed is self-evident that there are few who can have such kind of influence to so wide range of people.
Every fan tries his best to obtain more information about his dramatic star in all fields,even including the place where his first kiss took place,which,by the way,offer us an easier access to the following stories.
If you’ve esteemed as a “stupid-looked” student by your English teacher in junior school,you may probably see through that words your gloomy future with no fame and reputation,but that didn’t work on Jay,who actually got that comment when young.In the other way around,“stupid-looked” turn out to become “lovely-looked” in the eyes of fans.“Without parallel” is often quoted to describe what Jay has introduced to the musical world with his songs and the pattern and style coming out of those records.From the moment he step onto the stage,Jay has always provided us with everything new and classic,from R&B,Chinese style,to rock n roll and jazz:every time he was like purposely different,but unintentionally terrific.
The first record was JAY in October,2000,and he got unambiguous success via JAY as his first appearance on stage,thus welcoming the time of Jay.Records followed on reveal are numerous,such as Fantasy,Ye Hui Mei,Fragrant miles and miles,November’s Chopin,Still Fantasy,Jay Chou on the run,the latest one in 2008,Capricorn,and so on.All the albums cited above are huge success and mark the significant footprint on the journey,demonstrating that Jay is not also talented but also very hardworking and perseverant all the way along.But for Jay,it is not enough to materialize himself reasoning that he bas a burning ambition in entertainment,not only in singing,leading to his fruit in movies,MTVs,ads and TV shows.
Hidden Track is the first real spot in his movie life,followed by Secret,Kung Fu Dunk.The movies acted or directed by Jay are apparently originated from diverse backgrounds and themes,say,from campus issue to sports and shown in diverse ways from dramatic to preposterous,which is a marvel in the movie world but heatedly accepted by the Jay-fans.Anyway,the be-loved Jay is approaching and carrying on his new summit in career.
每个粉丝都竭尽全力来在任何场合得到他们喜欢的明星的信息(周杰伦),甚至包括他的初吻发生的地方, 这当然让我们很容易就得到了下面的故事.
如果你是被你的小学英语老师认为是“看起来很笨”的学生, 你可能通过这些语言中看到了你惨淡的未来,没有名望.但是这在周杰伦身上没有奏效.周杰伦在小的时候也得到这个评价,相反的,“看起来很笨”在粉丝眼中却是“看起来很可爱”.周杰伦带给音乐世界的歌曲以及专辑曲风经常被描述为“没有相似点”.从他走进舞台的那一刻起,周杰伦总是给我们带来新的和经典的东西,从R&B,中国风到摇滚,爵士,每次总是像刻意的不一样,却是无心的精彩.
2000年十月的第一张专辑JAY让周杰伦第一次上台就得到了完全的成功, 于是迎来了受欢迎的周杰伦的时代.随后的专辑还有很多,比如范特西,叶惠美,七里香,十一月的萧邦,依然范特西,牛仔很忙,到最近的2008年的摩羯座等等.这些专辑都取得了巨大的成功,为周杰伦的演唱生涯刻下了意义重大的脚印,预示着周杰伦不仅仅是有天赋的也是一个刻苦坚持的人.但对于周杰伦这些都不足以实现他自己,因为他是一个在娱乐界有急切抱负的人,不仅是唱歌,还包括唱歌给他带来的电影,MTV,广告和电视的成果.