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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/04 03:35:28
The margin strategy choice of the run by private capital
Summary:The run by private capital margin difficulty is an one of the main reasons to affect its development.Among them current exterior factor,also there is the problem of the run by private capital oneself management.The solution run by private capital margin difficulty needs the government in the policy,the support on the laws,needing the mechanism of the financial section creative,expand more financial services realm,even need the run by private capital oneself enhance the management,increasing 资 letter degree.A run by private capital for of 11th third inside allly would hereafter,our country gets the fleetness develops,having become the our country the importance of the socialism market economy constitute the part.See from the new development trend,the run by private capital presents three show the characteristics of 著 :from measure of increase the deal and quality of synchronous increase; from the labor the intensive type industry arrives the labor intensive type and knowledge intensive the change that type lay equal stress on; from only a construction for only door advantage changes direction in association with,the road that group management.At join the WTO hereafter,we need to proceed to the margin of the run by private capital quickly the strategy makes a choice,then promoting the international competition ability of the oneself.
Key phrase:Run by private capital,margin,strategy choice,counterplan,creative
急救,汉译英民营企业的融资战略抉择摘要:民营企业融资困难是影响其发展的主要原因之一.其中既有外部因素,也有民营企业自身管 英语翻译求 关于 民营企业融资 或者 中小企业融资 方面的外文文献翻译, 英语翻译经过三十多年的发展,民营经济已经是国民经济的重要组成部分,而民营企业也发展地更为科学和先进.但民营企业激励机制还 英语翻译【摘要】我国改革开放正在深入发展,企业文化建设也在逐渐深化,并越来越面向市场经济.随着民营企业发展的日趋成熟,其 英语翻译台州地区是民营经济的摇篮,由于银行等正规融资渠道的不足,台州地区的个人、民营企业相当一部分求助于民间资本支持.本 英语翻译浅论推进福建省民营企业高速发展的策略【摘要】在建设海峡西岸经济区的大环境下,福建省的民营企业为我省经济的繁荣做出 求翻译下面这段话,急,“民营企业道德素质缺失的原因及对策分析.民营企业是我国国民经济中重要组成 民营企业与国有企业,合资企业,外资企业的不同? 英语翻译中国民营企业中90%多是家族企业,家族企业的发展状况如何直接影响着中国的经济和社会的未来.改革开放以来,我国家族 英语翻译中国民营企业生存发展中存在的问题及完善对策在经济飞速发展的当今社会,中国民营企业对促进国民经济发展的作用越来越大 核心价值观是形成企业核心竞争力的重要因素,它的缺失已成为制约温州民营企业持续发展的重要原因. 英语翻译经过20多年的发展,中国民营企业经历了从无到有,从小到大,从弱到强,与时俱进的发展历程.特别是近今年,民营企业取