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The river is very dirty.______ people want to swim in it.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 13:53:25
The river is very dirty.______ people want to swim in it.
A、a few B、a little C、few

I saw many people at the dance.
Were there many people at the party?
按照这种说法,岂不是要说much people而非many people?
Used as a plural people is a form with no exactly corresponding singular.(English is not odd in this respect:the equivalent word is anomalous in Spanish,Italian,Russian,and many other languages.) In the past,grammarians have sometimes insisted that people is a collective noun that should not be used as a substitute for persons when referring to a specific number of individuals,as in Six people were arrested.But people has always been used in such contexts,and the distinction is now so widely ignored in general writing that it seems pedantic to insist on it.Personsis still preferred in quasilegal contexts,however,as in Vehicles containing fewer than three persons may not use the left lane during rush hours.Only the singular person is used in compounds involving a specific numeral:
People用做复数时无确切的单数形式.(在此方面英语是不固定的:在西班牙语、意大利语和许多其它语言中相应的词是不规则的.) 过去,语法学家曾坚持说 people是集合名词,不能替代描述特定数量个体的 persons,如在 六个人被捕了中.但是 people常用在这样的上下文中,其区别在一般的书面语中被大大忽略了,再坚持其区别则显得多余.Persons仍多被用在法律性的语境中,例如 在交通高峰期容纳少于三个人的汽车不允许使用左单行道.只有单数 person用在与具体数目有关的复合词中:
a six-person car;
a two-person show.But people is used in other compounds:people mover; people power.These examples are exceptions to the general rule that plural nouns cannot be used in such compounds; note that we do not say teethpaste or books-burning.
二人演出.但 people也可用在其它复合词中:people mover;people power.这些例子是复数名词不能用于复合词的规则的例外情况;请注意我们不能说 teethpaste或 books-burning.